CRAFTING: Please add the ability to make FUR CLOAKS and CAPE

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:50 pm

Bethesda hit it out of the park with Skyrim, they really did. I won't nitpick with the bugs and things which should get fixed *soon* with patches (the biggie being the save game fiasco of choosing a save to overwrite and it overwrites something else).

I have high hopes that Bethesda will be adding even more content via DLCs, prior to and in between hopefully a few expansions, and one that I would very, Very much like to see is the ability when crafting (smithing would have to be the craft to do this, to make it easy) to use the many furs we have collected to make Fur Cloaks (with hoods) and Fur Capes (no hood, but thick over-the-shoulder areas).

I'm talking about taking 'n' number of fox pelts + 4 leather + 1 silver ingot + 'n' random gems to make an outstanding full length fur cape fit for a Jarl.

I'm also talking about taking 'n' number of cave bear pelts (or saber cat pelts, or ice wolf pelts, etc) + 6 leather + 1 steel ingot to make an outstanding full length fur cape (over the shoulders now, not just down the back) fit for a Companion!

I'm talking about taking 'n' number of black wolf pelts + 6 leather + 1 leather straps + steel ingot to make a dark/black full length fur Cloak (with hood) fit for a member of the Dark Brotherhood

These capes and cloaks could then also be enchanted like anything else, and could take the place of an Amulet slot (like many mods did for Oblivion).

This would add further to the already tremendous immersion of living in Skyrim, and would totally negate the "what the hell am I doing outside High Hrothgar in hide armor with bare arms and legs, in a blizzard???" feeling I get sometimes. Think of the sneak trainer/beggar in thin rags living in Winterhelm.

I ask for Bethesda to do this so that we can utilize every FUR in the game, but not just for leather, so there would be a good 8 or more different furs to work with (not horse hide or non-"furry" hides) different looks (even MAMMOTH....oooh warm..) and with the ability to add gems to it, well, there are several types of gems to work with so the permutations would be many. Trust me, being in steel armor in a blizzard without a fur cloak, would be like walking around wearing a freezer, inside of another freezer. I'm from Wyoming, it's very Skyrim-like, and I know blizzards. I have a buddy who traps and if the furs he gets wouldn't cost a mint to have enough to make my wife a cape and the fact I live in Arizona right now, I'd have mean *she'd* have one :)

Come on Bethesda! Give us the ability to create these capes and cloaks in the crafting system! Think of Ned on HBO's Game of Thrones with his thick fur cape...that's what I'm talking about. They have to look thick, with a 'ruff' on the shoulders (they would look terrible thin) to give the impression of warmth.

Yes, I know a talented modder out there (or a hundred) will be able to implement varieties of capes and cloaks just like I'm asking for, but if Bethesda does it and makes it part of the crafting system, that would be far better, AND I would be willing to pay for the DLC to do this. For me, this would be the cherry on top of an otherwise pretty neat crafting system. Heck, I would even have some default ones that could be placed in leveled lists so they could sometimes be loot.

Then the only thing left for them to add is for my in-game wife to give me in-game kids to name and raise...and they'll be warm with furs!
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:33 am

Once the hardcoe modders get ahold of the creation kit, expect some interesting improvements with the ingame crafting.....

Console gamers are [censored] out of luck :hubbahubba:
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Sarah Kim
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:16 am

Once the hardcoe modders get ahold of the creation kit, expect some interesting improvements with the ingame crafting.....

Console gamers are [censored] out of luck :hubbahubba:

Yep they are, but that's why I'm putting this out there in hopes a dev (small chance I know) might see it, because as a DLC, nobody gets hosed.
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Darian Ennels
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:01 am

Damn, profoundly disappointed that no one else has any opinions on this at the moment.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:42 am

I for one would love to see the implementation of standalone cloaks in the game. I really dont know what bethesda is thinking, it could be done and just makes sense to do so.
I mean c'mon they're just plain awesome, besides isnt it cold in skyrim haha?
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sam westover
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