As for using the term Inedible food, I couldn't think of any better way to describe items in game that are obviously foods but cannot be consumed without preparation such as dried rice, flour, etc.
Your spiel about minerals is way beyond the average persons knowledge and doesn't belong in a video game. What I described is all the complexity that would be needed and even then it is a little much for the avg gamer.
I don't believe what you posted is too much for the average gamer. Even children can learn to say "tyrannosaurus rex" which is a huge word compared with what people expect from kids. My point is, people are capable of more than they give themselves credit for. What I added may in fact be too much for a game, but I think people COULD get used to it. Yes, it is WAY beyond what anyone should know, but to me, that's what makes it fun. Anyways, that's what I want, and I don't expect other people to want it and I don't expect to see it.
Mining as a time sink is not what I was shooting for and certainly not on any level associated with RuneScape. This is a single player game so mining the ore will not take the most time, carrying it to the forge will and given fast travel that is a non-issue.This isn't a simulation and mining and smithing involving the complexity you describe would not be fun.
If you think more complexity is less fun, then we disagree here.
You obviously haven't played FO3. Bethesda is taking great strides to reduce the redundancy in the game and crafting items that already exist in the game is beyond redundant. Just like FO3 you will only be able to craft unique items.