Going to take them all. Have to play a couple alts at the beginning but we'll see how the points work out over time.
I plan on doing all of them as well, at least spread out over several characters.
am not sure if I'd rather have them spread out over several mostly dedicated alts, or one character that would be somewhat powerleveled and then become a dedicated master craftsman of everything...
or, I might have one dedicated guy for weapons and armor, (blacksmithing/clothing/woodworking) and one for consumables (alchemy, provisioning, enchantment) or something like that. though that seems like the latter guy would have a hell of a time with inventory space.
so yeah, ultimately not actually decided on the arrangement. but why wouldn't I do all of them one way or the other?
whatever it takes to make weapons and armor and the materials to make weapons and armor I will master all tiers and all racial styles. my ultimate goal is being well known as a great craftsman and contributing to making sure the ebonheart pact is hard to beat in cyrodill all thanks to my made to order weapons and armor. and of course being the sole owner of every drake the game has
I will DEFINATELY go with provisioning and at the very least clothier + woodworking
IMO those in heavy armor have it easier - becuase they are more likely to go with blacksmithing (which includes metal weapons), so they really only need 1 'main' crafting line, and can thus easily have 2 'supporting' ones
Whereas the majority of us (in light or medium armor) need to have a crafting line just for clothes, and then another one; either woodworking or blacksmithing for the weapon.
But still, probably
provisioning, clothier, woodworking and MAYBE alchemy or something like that.
Depends on whether or not I decide to roll a Breton or Argonian...
The build I came up with for my first character went minimalistic, so I could afford to dump points into (and hopefully max out) all of the tradeskills.
Increasing respec costs would likely prevent that, but I don't know if it's based on character level, or how many times you've previously respecced. I would imagine they wouldn't allow that to remain a viable option, but now I'm curious.
all u ppl wanting to do 2 and 3 crafting skills? cool lemme know how it works out with the bag space we have currently
I don't know. I don't like enchanting and provisioning doesn't seem worth it. I have an orc blacksmith in the beta and I think tomorrow I'll try clothing because I think I want my main to wear light armor when it goes live.
good luck getting enough room for mats for more than one craft lol cause as of right now 1 craft alone will fill ALL bags and ALL bank slots
Yeah, I already figured I'd have to train them one at a time. Inventory/bank expansions will be a priority.
as i said i intend to do all 6 crafts
will it be a pain in the rear? yes most definitely
will it be possible? yes most definitely
i will have to do a lot of things i don't like/want to do, like having multiple mules, mailing things to friends to mail back to me, selling lower level crafting materials as i progress(this could actually turn into profit, as lower level crafting materials will go down in price over time), going for all bag space on my first horse, and using all cash i get on bag/bank upgrades
i will be doing it, although ill hate the inventory management, i personally dont think crafting should be limited by inventory, but ill have to play with what i have, and work to have that changed by feedback
if things havent changed in a month or two ill likely quit
At first only provisioning and alchemy. Maybe more after a year of play. I am not much into crafting, but i might gather resources for the guild. (if i find a good one at Daggerfall covenant)