I've been playing and enjoying the game a lot and had no bugs or crashes up until this point. I'm experiencing a crash which I believe is related to entering the outdoor cell where the junction between Freeside, Crimson Caravans and the Gun Runners is. Just walking down the road between the Caravan compound and the Freeside gate, or trying to exit either the Caravan compound or Freeside through those gates, causes a crash to desktop every time. I don't know exactly what's causing it, but it seems like the game is trying to render something that makes it crash, and there isn't any way for me to figure out what.
I'm running some minor mods, but switching them off results in the same crash occuring. I'm quite sure it has nothing to do with mods because I've loaded up GECK with nothing but the main ESM, slid over to this outdoor cell with the world viewer, and it causes GECK to crash, too.
No idea what's doing it. Has anyone else experienced this? Couldn't find any reference to a bug this specific with google.