» Fri Dec 04, 2009 8:38 pm
There have been several reports of people who managed to overcome your problem by disabling their sound device temporarily so that the game would launch. But first, I feel obligated to warn you about T.Vann's apparently experimental solution. There are some commands there that won't help your problem but they can however under incorrect values introduce new problems. This is something T.Vann forgot to mention either because he just pasted it from another forum or because he himself doesn't know the exact meaning of the commands, I'm going with the second choice since I've seen him feed false information in other threads.
I recommend that you try my solution first, however I will post detailed description of the commands that T.Vann want's you to use and their respected values.
First, let's try to manually disable all sound in the game and if this doesn't work then we will try to temporarily disable the sound device via Windows.
1. Navigate to your steam folder > ...\Steam\userdata\...\22350\local\base
2. Create a new file called :"autoexec.cfg" or edit the existing one(note the file extension must be cfg). You can use a normal text editor to create such a file. You need to make sure that you made an actual file with a .cfg extension.
3. Paste the following into the file :
seta s_noSound "1"
4. Save the file and close it.
5. Try to run the game and see if it made any difference
If your still not able to run the game then we can disabling the sound device via Windows :
1. Click on the Windows start menu button and write the following in the editor window(search programs and files) : "Device Manager" and press Enter.
2. From the list, open the following section : "Sound video and game controllers"
3. Right click on the Audio device and click disable. Basically anything that is named "...Audio device" should be disabled.
4. Test that you have no sound by playing a music file or something similar
5. Try to start Brink
6. If you can start Brink then exit and enable your audio device again.
Let me know if any of these two solutions work or not so that we can continue fixing your problem.
Also here is a more detailed explanation of the commands that T.Vann want's you to use :
seta com_allowConsole [0,1]
* Setting this command to "1" will allow you to access the console in game by pressing the tilde key next to number 1 or under your Escape key. This command is not really important since you can access the console anyway by pressing Ctrl+Alt+`(tilde key) in the game.
seta com_bootLogo [1,0]
* Used to skip intro movies.
seta r_useThreadedRenderer [0,1,2]
* Enables the game to use a multi-threaded renderer backend
0 - Disable multi-threading in the renderer.
1 - Enables multi-threading in the renderer but locked to game frames (debugging).
2 - Enables multi-threading in the renderer unlocked from game frames.
Default : 0
Info: This command can improve the performance of your game but in a lot of cases it also causes crashes. Never set this command to "1" because this option is only used for debugging. It is highly unlikely that setting this command to "2" will in any way help with your problem but in the case that the command is already set on "2" you can set it to "0" to see if it clears your problem.
Once you clear your crashing problem you should set this to "2" to see if it improves performance.
seta s_numberOfSpeakers [2,4,5,6]
*This value shows the number of speakers the game has detected, based on your general Windows settings and In-Game settings. You can manually alter this value, however make sure it matches your current speaker setup otherwise you will have missing audio channels which can cause crashes.
seta com_videoRam [MB]
Shows the detected amount of video memory on your graphics card in MB. If this value is incorrect, set it to the correct value to improve performance.
Don't play with this command until you check the following:
1. Navigate to your steam folder > ...\Steam\userdata\...\22350\local\base
2. Open brinkconfig.cfg file using a text editor program.
3. check the line: seta com_videoRam and read which number it says.
4. if the number is equal to your Graphic cards memory size in MB then the game is correctly detecting it and you do not need to mess with this setting.
Let me know how it turns out.