Crash at cell transitions and wilderness

Post » Fri May 04, 2012 6:37 am

Hmm, after regenerating my inin and followed the readme instructions in DarnUI readme, the load wen smoothly, but I still experienced the same quick crashes. Had tried starting a new game, remove bloat, abomb, and it is still the same.

Edit: I tried on my existing save game and I had no crash for 1/2 an hour, I do not know how long more it would last as I exited the game. Now probably the ini changes help? I have to test more of the game.
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Rodney C
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 11:25 am

Another option to reduce the chance of crashes at cell transitions and to reduce stuttering overall is to copy all the distantLOD files into a RAMdisk. In combo with OSR this worked quite well for me (but it won't eliminate crashes completely). Download a free version of RAMdisk and try it out. Detailed instructions at
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:17 am

Mahjers, thanks for the tips, sounds like a good idea but I had to make RAMDISk more than 40MB as after setting them at 40MB it comes to only 20mb free.

Anyway, I had decided to hold it for a while as I had use Walker's methods in creating a new ini and only editing the resoluton, darn changes, etc. The good news is that it really ran smoothly I'm able to run the game for an hour without crashing, before that I had crashed like every 10-15,30minutes. So there must be something wrong in my ini, I guess regenerating the ini, remove bloat, abomb really helps especially the ini part.

Hopefully this really stops the crashing, though there's always this thing in life that the problems will always comes in a creative way whenever we have a solution. So the learning never end and never give up. Thanks to all who had helped to troubleshoot. Cheers. :laugh:

Edit: 1 more thing, I had also removed Crowded Cities as I guessed the scripts also had somewhat an impact to my crashing. However I had also installed back MMM with the lowest spawn rates and also TIE (because of the NPCs it added)
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:31 am

Hi Artemis,

I'm way late to this thread, but if you happen to have an older version of Sneaking Detection Recalibrated installed, in combination with all of the mods that you have that add lots of creatures and NPCs, it could have a domino effect, especially in exterior settings where the detection range is double that of interiors. I've got a completely new version (4.5.0) that you may want to try. It's currently a "beta", but will probably be released very soon (as is) once I get some more feedback from users to confirm all the improvements are working.

One of the big jumps in the design is that it allows you to use the default Oblivion detection formula for all detections other than those dealing with the player or anyone following the player. Oblivion's default detection formula has 0 impact, but SDR's detection formula can have a significant processing hit when there are a lot of creatures and NPCs in the same area. There are other improvements in the over all design and programming efficiency as well, plus some bug fixes that deal with issues of NPCs/Creatures when they are transitioning from "disabled" to "enabled" mode which apparently can cause crashes under certain conditions, including loading new areas.

Here's a link to the post that has a link to the file:

If the links are gone by the time your read this, then it will probably have been officially released. I can't necessarily say that SDR is the cause of the problem, but there is no doubt in my mind that this upgrade can only help. I like adding mods with lots of new NPCs and creatures too, so I am acutely aware of the issues.
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Susan Elizabeth
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 7:12 am

Hi Saebel, saw your update and wasw hesistant to download as I'm a bit lazy to edit all the SDR's ini again to my gameplay style ( I had disabled the tokens thngy), but now I had decided to download the 4.5.0 version after reading the improvements you had made, (that means no more tokens or something on the NPCs? as I know this really drains my framerates). I believe the new version will work well. Will update again.
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Lily Evans
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:48 am

Hi Saebel, saw your update and wasw hesistant to download as I'm a bit lazy to edit all the SDR's ini again to my gameplay style ( I had disabled the tokens thngy), but now I had decided to download the 4.5.0 version after reading the improvements you had made, (that means no more tokens or something on the NPCs? as I know this really drains my framerates). I believe the new version will work well. Will update again.
In your case, you will probably want to change the default detection package setting of 4 to 2 (if you have companions) or 1, that will provide a significant performance boost, despite having extra NPCs around. But you can always try it at 4 first, and then take it down to 2 or 1 if 4 isn't cutting it. The other settings have no measurable performance impact.
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