Yeah I updated DW but still crashed on me =(. And I really did not know that OBC was no longer supported. Is there any mod similar to it that is still supported?
By the way, in Wrye Bash TamrielTravellersItemsnpc.esp is in red and says "Mod should be imported and deactivated" and is highlighted in red when I activate it. How can I import it? I mean when I right click and go to import there are a lot of options and when building bashed patch even tho I select it it still doesnt merge, since it has a NoMerge tag. Or should I just activate it regardless of what Wbash says?
That plugin should merged and deactivated. It should not have the NoMerge tag. Run BOSS again. If that tag is generated again, remove the 'NoMerge' tag. (Right-click in the Bash Tags frame and uncheck it. Remember to save the change too.)
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