Crash to desktop, then crash to desktop, and again...

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:23 am

This weekend I am getting dumped to desktop (no warning, no message, just suddenly game shuts down and lands at desktop).

What gives? First weekends the game ran great, now it's constantly dropping me to desktop? I had it drop me 3 times within 30 minutes... which in my book = unplayable. I'm not about to spam F5 every time I looted a bush or killed some random NPC.

They seriously need to sort the CTD issues out, and I mean sort it out as in offical patch, not some mumbojumbo-go-download-a-mod bandaid solution.

Extremely frustrating when it's a game I thoroughly enjoy.
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Jennifer May
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:25 pm

wrong forum.

couple of things. check intergrity of game cache. make sure it is defragged. restart computer if it does it again (CTD) then reinstall game. 20 minutes, take a dinner break. if it still does it, you can try the PC boards (where this should have been) for better help than an pc idiot like me (I am not techie.)
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Lil Miss
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