Hi guys,
I have the Legendary edition(bought on steam) and I use the Nexus mod manager to install the mod. Until last week everything was fine, but after deciding to install other mod I found an issue: when I try to enter in Solitude, by the console(coc solitude) or physically, fast travel or not, I can't come in.
Here is the list of mods before the issue:
[V] Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons - Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons Full 1_23 Audio, sounds and music 06/01/2014 22.16.11 1.23 1.23 Cliffworms
[V] Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds - Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds 1_13 Full Version Audio, sounds and music 06/01/2014 22.16.05 1.13 1.13 Cliffworms
[V] 2K Road Snow Footprints - Road Snow Footprints 2K For Vanilla Environmental 06/01/2014 00.00.36 1.0 1.0 Yuril
[V] Evil dragons and new dragons - Evil dragons and new dragons1_5_5 Gameplay effects and changes 06/01/2014 00.00.33 1.5.5 1.5.5 esey
[V] Realistic Ragdolls and Force Gameplay effects and changes 06/01/2014 00.00.26 1.9 1.9 dDefinder
[V] Bandit Raids - Bandit Raids V5 Immersion 06/01/2014 21.43.44 Rev5 Revision5 SwampRock
[V] Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival - Frostfall 2_5 Release Immersion 06/01/2014 21.42.48 2.5 2.5 Chesko
[V] Realistic Needs and Diseases Immersion 07/01/2014 23.15.34 1.9.10 1.9.10 perseid9
[V] Midas Magic - Spells in Skyrim - MidasSkyrim_008a Magic - Spells and enchantments 06/01/2014 00.00.21 0.08a 0.08 Xilver
[V] Enhanced Night Skyrim - Enhanced Night Skyrim v04 Color Galaxy Models and textures 06/01/2014 00.00.18 0.4 0.4 CptJoker
[V] Natural Eyes - Natural Eyes Low Res Models and textures 06/01/2014 21.36.58 1.4 1.4 nevenbridge
[V] Ultimate HD Fire Effects - Ultimate HD Fire Effects -Medium Resolution- Models and textures 06/01/2014 21.36.27 1.9 1.9 BuzzDee84
[V] Amazing Follower Tweaks NPC 06/01/2014 00.00.04 1.66 1.66 Dheuster
[V] A Quality World Map Unassigned 05/01/2014 23.58.48 8.0 IcePenguin
[V] ApachiiSkyHair a NATURAL_retextur-35092-2-3 Unassigned 06/01/2014 23.09.33
[V] Blaze Of Eventide v1_6-25097-1-6 Unassigned 06/01/2014 21.34.56
[V] Enhanced Night Skyrim Unassigned 05/01/2014 23.58.35 0.4 0.4 CptJoker
[V] Intense Sunglare-2582 Unassigned 05/01/2014 23.58.33
[V] LIAT v131-19841-1-31 Unassigned 06/01/2014 21.34.09
[V] Magic Duel - Latest Version-18763-1-1-4 Unassigned 06/01/2014 21.32.53
[V] SKSE Scripts Unassigned 07/01/2014 22.56.03
[V] SkyUI Unassigned 07/01/2014 23.16.31 4.1 SkyUI Team
[V] KenMOD - Time on loading screen - Time on loading v5 User interfaces 05/01/2014 23.58.11 5 5 Kenney
[V] Readable Dragon Alphabet - Readable Dragon Alphabet v01 User interfaces 05/01/2014 23.58.09 0.1 0.1 175
[V] Unread Books Glow User interfaces 05/01/2014 23.58.07 2.1.0 2.2.0 duggelz@gmail.com
[V] Enhanced Blood Textures Visuals and graphics 05/01/2014 23.57.07 3.5d 3.5d dDefinder
[V] Pure Waters - 1_Pure Waters 4-6 Main Visuals and graphics 06/01/2014 21.32.02 4.6 4.6 Laast
[V] Crowded Solitude V5
[V] Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS - FNIS Behavior V4_1_1 -- ALWAYS necessary Animation 17/01/2014 12.23.23 4.1.1 4.1.1 fore
[V] Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS - FNIS Creature Pack 4_1 Animation 17/01/2014 12.23.35 4.1 4.1.1 fore
[V] Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS - FNIS Idle Spells V4_0_2 -- ADD-ON for the spells Animation 17/01/2014 12.23.44 4.0.2 4.1.1 fore
[V] Moonpath to Elsweyr - moonpath to Elsweyr 95beta Quests and adventures 17/01/2014 14.08.29 9.5 9.5 muppetpuppet
[V] Moonpath to Elsweyr - seq file to fix dialogue bug Quests and adventures 17/01/2014 14.08.35 9.5 9.5 muppetpuppet
[V] Convenient Horses - Convenient Horses - Unique Frost Animals, creatures, mounts & horses 17/01/2014 14.14.36 5.0 5.0 Alek
[V] Convenient Horses - Convenient Horses v4_9 Animals, creatures, mounts & horses 17/01/2014 14.20.24 4.9 5.0 Alek
[V] Convenient Horses - Default Teammate Weapon Draw Distance Animals, creatures, mounts & horses 17/01/2014 14.14.27 5.0 5.0 Alek
[V] Elvenwood - Elvenwood v3_02 Cities, towns, villages and hamlets 17/01/2014 14.24.40 3.02 3.02 Nick75
the mod added after(probably one of this cause the issue):
[V] skyBirds - Airborne Perching Birds - skyBirds - Airborne Perching Birds Animals, creatures, mounts & horses 17/01/2014 15.02.53 v0.931 v0.931 steve40
[V] The REAL Fus Ro Dah Audio, sounds and music 09/03/2014 19.04.03 0.5 0.5 xchargerfanx (RoidRage9000)
[V] Vampire Lord Real Flying - Version 2 - Main File Overhauls 09/03/2014 19.06.10 2.0 2.0 Keldis
[V] Wyrmstooth - Wyrmstooth 1_10 New lands 09/03/2014 19.31.31 1.10 1.10 Jonx0r
[X ]Warzones - Civil Unrest (removed because when I arrived in a warzone it crash)
[X]true vision ENB(removed because I think this is the cause of the crash in solitude)
This is my PC spec:
SO: Windows 8.1
Model : HP pavilion G6
DirectX version : 11
RAM : 8gb
CPU : Intel Core i5-3230
GPU: Intel HD Graphics 4000
I tried unistall and re-install(twice), use a clear save, use TES5edit, use BOSS, do a new game, but nothing, it doesn't work... I can teleport/fast travel to the Blu Palace, but after the Bards Accademy the game crash to desktop. If i fast travel or try phisically, it load, after CTD.
After this, can someone help me?
I tried to google it but no match found(useful or work for me), i tried to use the search bar in the forum but nothing work. English is not my mother language so sorry for grammatical errors or similar. If I forget something, sorry, explane what and I will fix!