» Sun May 08, 2011 2:19 am
intel i7
AMD HD 6900
IS it just me who thinks you should specify more accurately?
it shouldnt matter
I have unlocked my 6950 to an 6970 but that shouldnt have any effect on games.
It sure didnt have on Bad company 2 and Left 4 Dead 2.
Describe to me have the game can lock my keyboard?! And how a hardware failure can cause problems only in one specific game? And only ones during singleplayer and later on (1 and half week later on in multiplayer)
I've tried two specific AMD drivers.
The sound drivers really?...
Hmm...Might it be something related to you unlocking the 6950? I don't own a 6950, but I know that when AMD locks their components it's because it's not good enough to be classified as a higher grade component (I owned a 550 2 once, failed to unlock.) Or something to do with drivers (again related to you unlocking it), since drivers AMD released are optimized for the 6950 & 6970, and not a 6950 unlocked to a 6970.