Thanks for the tip about Procmon. Can't believe I overlooked that.
Uh, you do know that most resource files are dynamically extracted from the (several) Oblivion BSAs, don't you?
What do you mean by dynamically extracted? You mean at install time.
It takes a long time to unpack an archive -- and if it was done at run time, the performance hit would be HUGE...
People's HD's aren't that fast... Do you know how long unpacking another 5.9GB would take on most people's system?
I **can't** believe things are unpacked to disk at run-time...unless...oh... Well I could..
Now maybe I understand the setting in the ini-file -- use diskcache... They DO have to unpack from the bsa's, but the bsa's are arranged to
be unpacked on the fly -- not to disk. Maybe that disckcache param in the ini controls whether or not unpacking caches things on disk.
I suppose it depends on your cpu vs. your disk speed. If you had fast SSD's and a pigslow Celeron (Ha!)... then yeah, caching on disk
might be of use. vs. if you have a 4-6 Core i7/Xeon running over 3GHz, that isn't even using 20% system cpu, then writing to disk might
just slow things down...
(Extracted they reportedly take up another 5.9 GB.) And most large mods like Better Cities have their own BSA file? Files on disk are used in preference for files from BSAs. You seem to understand this. So for completeness you have to search the related BSA(s) before saying the absence of a file is your problem. Perhaps I am belaboring the obvious, but when troubleshooting it's important not to make assumptions.
Agreed! Though, I didn't unpack the BSA's, as if the file is missing out of the BSA, then something was messed up in the mod when I loaded it in the first place. The BSA's, AFAIK, are dynamically used by the run time but it's not possible for a file that was there to suddenly "NOT" be there, unless 1) I am editing the BSA's (which I don't know how to do but could probably figure out given the tools available), or 2) something might have done some invalidation or 'redirection' so the game isn't looking in the "right" BSA.
Anyway -- as for your ideas of 'starting over'.... lets see... am on my 4th or 5th install in about the last 2-3 weeks as I've tried to bring up all the stuff I wanted... Hit the wall on the last install --- never done a wrye bash merge, and hit the 256 mod limit... I could start new chars, but not load my old chars... and trying uninstalling all the mods still didn't work.... so something corrupted the game dir on that one.
As for my methods... I stepped up quickly...this would be my 3rd time getting into playing (if I ever get there and happy with new extensions I like). The last 2 times were using manual install methods only -- but last time I played through was about 4 years ago. Modding has advanced alot since then.
So this time I started with obmm... realized quickly it had major shortcomings. Moved on to Wrye Bash -- where I currently am and try to use for most things -- some things are only packaged in obmm -- and when I try to turn them in to archives in obmm, I end up with an archive that has no configurable files. I hate those... That and some of them come with obmm scripts that are just too much a pain to
convert into a WB archive. (N.B. -- (Note Bene/Note Well) -- When I say a 'pain', you are talking to someone who took the time on her last install to turn Oblivion into 2 WB installables (the exe's and the stuff in DATA), and the DLC+SI into another installable (the cleaned DLC's BTW!). the OBV-DATA mod -- I hope never needs to be annealed from -- but it's installed 1st in install order, so it looks like a normal install to the rest of the mods that come after -- but at least WB will know if something is overwritten (or CAN do a checksum). It seems to go off of time/date stamps and monitors the directory for changes if you let it stay running, but the mod is 4GB. Ouch...at least a few minutes to
reinstall -- especially since the installers are 32-bit. Even OBMM and WB could get at least a 15-20% speed boost by going to 64bit.
For a while , when I only used OBMM, I subb'ed in the 64-bit version of 7zip, it gave about that much of a boost...maybe more, but the libs were messy with WB, and they use some weird interface '7zunicode'... 7zip is already unicode?!?... so I dunno what it was supposed to do but trying to sub in 64 bit there, didn't make WB happy....OBMM was fine though.
See the 'Oblivion Mods FAQ' on the CS Wiki to understand archive invalidations. The preferred method used these days by OBMM and Wrye Bash is 'BSA redirection'. Some mods might use ''ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated!" (also linked from that CS Wiki article). You didn't say if your primary installer is purely manual, or OBMM, or Wrye Bash (actually the BAIN component). BAIN in my experience does the best job of restoring files the way they were after using it to remove a mod. OBMM does NOT, and Wrye Bash/BAIN knows nothing about anything OBMM installed. All those installed files are part of the original game as far as it is concerned. And with manual installs it's strictly your responsibility. If you use a mixture of these methods, you are going to get very confused unless you compulsively document each and every mod install at what save game stage.
Yeah... I'm aware of the limitations... but some things .. like the all-race 2K texture installer comes with an EXE installer that installs 5 choices / body/ (standard + ~ 7 other races). I can come up with a single selection, but just hand coping all the right files into place seemed like it would be error prone and even less optimal than using the EXE to set the options. I try to keep non-WB usage to a minimum, because I know
it can't restore content if it doesn't know where you installed it from (which was why I made sure to put the Bethesda content in the system -- so it would be protected from random acts of extensions...

I have a heavily modded game (214 and climbing), and my experience is that if I remove a mod, my best shot at continuing in a stable environment is to back up to a save prior to installing that (now removed) mod.
Well, I could.. but some of my 'backing up' would be recreating an environment from 4 years ago. I think I have all the extensions...BUT....
do I really wanna go there? I have been able to load chars from those old games in installs that had 'few' mods loaded. But many of those save
games had alot of game time on them.... they aren't really playable -- as some of them have done everything (at least everything in the game guide...

).... Played it linearly and with quests in parallel. Never could have done the quests in parallel the first time -- too many interrelated quest bugs... many fixed now... but (THANK BETHESDA!), they made the console available. That's the only way I got through the game the first time with some of the game bugs that were in it at the time -- some of the quests would dead-end if you had done something else and you could never finish them.
Part of this is because (as was pointed in an older thread), mods can make changes to the save game that are not possible to back out simply by removing the mod, which then cause problems and crashes later. Wrye Bash makes determining which save to back up to relatively easy because it can examine a save game and list the mods it uses.
Right... but as you mention/hint at... just removing a mod might not be enough. If it deleted files not under WB's control (or overwrote files not under WB's control), then when it is removed, the originals don't get magically restored....
OH... Bethesda, why didn't you include help error messages!?!? .. instead, when it can't find a file -- exit (or crash) to desktop... only by tracing can you find the file -- and even then, no clue about where it was **supposed** to be --
I think that's the key -- it was in a BSA, and either it was one that redirected 'to', that got removed, (and redirection didn't get undone), or
something was redirecting from a valid location to elsewhere.....
It's well worth the time to learn to use BAIN and install everything with that. I spent 8 months

trying to figure out why my game was CTDing before even getting a save game to load by removing mods a couple at a time and testing.
More than my attention span to be frank. I'm a casual gamer. I usually do programming and scripting for fun and that keeps
me busy full time, but sometimes get sick of it, or a good game comes out .. and I wanna switch. I may have bought my last
game though. After a failure to install and a complete let down on Skyrim, (they had no 'offline version' -- and unlike EA, STEAM doesn't support proxies. So I had to return my copy that I had desperately been waiting for for 8 months. There were other reasons -- like there was no PC release (only an XBOX release adapted to the PC), but my screen is 2560x1600 -- going with 1920x1080 XBOX res hurts.
But the 2nd straw was on ME-III -- the installer downloads and updates itself through my proxy just fine. Then it refuses to load the game --
no error message. Nothing. It just loads the installer, and exits. So I try to contact support -- I find that my email address no longer works
on the support site (I can still login to the game site, with 'ea@mydomain', but the support site gives an error when you try to use a name that corresponds to the company. It worked for years... then when they break their installer, they change it. LAME!!!)....
So no way to contact them (ok, I can probably call their corporate office, not that it is listed anywhere on their website), I just gave up and decided to go back and try oblivion again cuz I'd gotten in the gaming mood and am getting frustrated. It's really not worth buying games these days. They don't work and I either return and get a refund (if I am lucky), or I wait too long, or keep thinking I'll get something to work... but
no go. They sure locked this girl out of games with their DRM... nice and protected FROM the CUSTOMERS!!!... Funny thing about
the DRM .. both this game and one of ME's games -- AFTER I'd bought the game, I still ended up d/l'ing a cracked version just so I
didn't have to keep my disk in the drive. No idea where they are now, as recent install was from DVD's which don't get lost -- but it really makes me wonder why I bother trying to pay for the hassle of returning games -- it's just not worth it. And I hope Bethesda reads this and considers the flip side of the hassles of DRM. Also, I was insulted at paying a console price for a game for a PC, that wasn't even adapted to the PC -- not to mention they take an extra $10 in profit for not having to pay a licensing fee. I HAVE bought console games for $30 for the PC -- and that was about the right price for a console game on a PC. I knew I was playing a console game -- it required an X-BOX like controller (actually had to be X-box compat) -- which I **liked**, for what it was... but it wasn't Oblivion. Completely different headspace and gaming style. Too much on that side-topic... sorry.
[ And to gamesas, if you are reading, I would pay *another* $30 for an upgrade that just gracefully handled missing content and gave informative error messages -- and maybe up to $40-45 if you redid the game using DirectX10 + 11 -- and gave me photo-quality graphics like those in ... probably ME-III (haven't been able to play it yet), but in DragonAge II (think it used Dx10)... But games for the Xbox that I can't even play because you tied it to steam or Xbox versions for PC? Ouch! ]
You'll have to admit, it was fairly low key for 'venting'...

After removing 260 or so mods (I was using WB's CBash), I finally decided 'might as well rebuild from scratch', and went completely with BAIN this time. (The only thing I have installed with OBMM is the Sensual Walks Animation Installer, because it can't be done with BAIN.) Which is how I learned the problem was (apparently) OBSE plugins that were no longer being used, but not removed. BTW: Post installation of OBSE plugins BAIN still does not appear to deal with. It installs them (now, but not when I started), but doesn't appear to 'anneal' or remove them as they don't appear in the BAIN list of installed mods once installed. Hopefully this will be dealt with in the BAIN update called 'BAIT'.)
^^^ Yup!.. a pain..!!
As for Better Cities, I don't have any problems with the full integration set. But it is essential to follow their 'safe save' procedure when upgrading.
Sometimes, starting over (correctly this time) is the best solution.
Done it several times... But my modlist is 'complicated...... Right now.... it runs for a while, then crashes .. but I **think** it is graphics hardware related (have a GTX590, that just runs too dang hot!... 98C just aint right!) So I think it is throttling one of the GPU's to minimum to hold down temps and occasionally let's it run -- but think the throttling is making it flakey... Nvidia designed a **near** lemon with the 590 -- they didn't cool it enough for the power in it... so it throttles alot (or if you are a reviewer and overclock/overvoltage it, you burn up the card)...
I'm only running at 'stock speeds' -- in fact i got one of the speed tweek utils to try to 'clock down' the thing since 1 GPU always runs at
full speed even at idle -- becaue I have 2 monitors hooked up. The 2nd monitor needs to be 'active' only because it is the one that sitting behind my 'stereo' -- so sound goes through the stereo to that monitor... and Nividia not only disabled power-saving on 1 GPU whenever you run more than 1 monitor, (I have a feeling that's contributing to the heat problem), but also made it such that it they turn off their Digital sound drivers whenever you turn off the monitor -- even though you can play sound through HDMI without a picture (my older card did that just fine -- but it was Made by a audio company, so you know they would get that right. nividia -- thinks 'no picture -- kill sound'... NEP!...a bug in their driver disables sound when no video is detected -- even if sound is still hooked up (which it also can detect)).
I did come here for a reason... posted some Q's under the WrB thread, which I went to look for but found this first.
It crashed on me and ate my config file -- now my install order is all mucked up. Just wonderful.
Sigh...Making progress... but it is painful...
And this is fun?? Ah... but if it all works... ahhh... had 380 hours on my top save @ with the file size @ 5.5GB