Crash, near Bleakfalls Barrow

Post » Tue Mar 11, 2014 10:00 am

my turn, and i said i don't crash...sigh.

I have a repeatable crash. Exiting Bleak falls Barrow from the rear exit on the mountain side. if i turn to face the water and start down the mountain side , i get half way to the water edge and CTD. i tried waiting inside Bleakfalls for 4 days, same thing. I even went all the way back to the original entrance , back to Riverwood, as i approached that area from the other side i CTD.

At a loss as to how to trouble shoot this farther. I used to have an overlay that would show me the cells that are loaded while in game. does anyone recall where to get that? Does turning off AI help if its a spawn?

Sigh...and it was looking so good with ENB . the SKSE mem patch and ENBoost. My graphs look good, not running out of RAM nor is my GPU overloaded. I tried turning off ENB..still CTD. I am using Default INI files this time, think only tweak had to do with Grass (amount of textures ) hmmm i wonder...gonna get new INI files,just to be sure.

So i humbly ask the is everything i always ask others to No i havent cleaned the DLC's yet. Could this be it? anyway more info then ya all really need.

Active Mod Files:
00  Skyrim.esm01  ApachiiHair.esm02  Update.esm03  Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp  [Version 2.0.2a]04  Dawnguard.esm05  SkyMoMod.esm06  Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp  [Version 2.0.1a]07  HearthFires.esm08  Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp  [Version 2.0.1]09  Dragonborn.esm0A  Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp  [Version 2.0.1]0B  Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp  [Version 1.1.5]++  NordicSkaalHeavyFalmerWeightFix.esp0C  Convenient Horses.esp0D  DeadlyDragons.esp0E  Death Cam Duration Options.esp0F  DeadlyMonsters.esp10  StaticMeshImprovementMod-DragonbornTernFix.esp11  ELE-FX Emittance.esp12  ELE-Weathers.esp13  FISS.esp14  Footprints.esp15  iHUD.esp++  FullBootForKKSA.esp16  RelightingSkyrim.esp17  ELE Plugin - RS Light Color.esp18  SkyRe_Main.esp19  Radiant and Unique Potions and Poisons v2.0.esp1A  FlameAtronachArmor.esp1B  ELE-Spell and Torch Lighting.esp1C  ImmersiveFP.esp1D  Lock Overhaul.esp1E  SkyUI.esp1F  AchieveThat.esp20  Customizable Camera.esp21  Relighting Skyrim - Dawnguard.esp22  mintylightningmod.esp23  NoSneakAttackSound.esp24  dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp25  RaceMenu.esp26  EpisodeParallax.esp27  Relighting Skyrim - Update.esp28  ELE-Interior Lighting.esp29  ELE-Light Bulbs Interior.esp2A  Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp  [Version v6.5.2]2B  ELE DG-Light Bulbs Interior.esp2C  ELE-Light Bulbs Exterior.esp2D  aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp++  SkyRe_SIC Crossbowfix.esp  [Version v6.1.2]2E  SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB.esp2F  SkyRe_Survivalism.esp30  SkyRe_EnemyScaling.esp31  SoS - The Wilds.esp  [Version 1.13]32  ELE-Weather Addition.esp33  SoS - Civilization.esp  [Version 1.02]34  Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp  [Version v6.5.2]35  SoS - The Dungeons.esp  [Version 1.23]36  ELE DG-Interior Lighting.esp37  Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp38  Relighting Skyrim - Dragonborn.esp39  SkyFalls Dragonborn Small waterfalls.esp3A  ELE DB-Interior Lighting.esp3B  Immersive Dragonborn.esp3C  dD-DG-DB-MM-SiC EBT Patch.esp3D  SkyRe_EncounterZones.esp3E  SoS-ELEPatch.esp3F  ELE-FX Effects Interior.esp40  MageBackpack_byTumbajamba.esp41  SFO - Expanded Diversity.esp42  Cloaks.esp43  1nivWICCloaks.esp  [Version 2.3]44  DragonBornCircletsWithCrown.esp45  StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp46  1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.esp  [Version 2.3]47  Relighting Skyrim - HearthFire.esp48  ELE HF-Interior Lighting.esp49  SkyRe_StandingStones.esp4A  Imp's More Complex Needs.esp  [Version 0.31]4B  Chesko_Frostfall.esp4C  Purewaters.esp4D  SkyRe_Races.esp4E  Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp4F  Drinking Fountains of Skyrim.esp50  Immersive Battles.esp51  Immersive Travelers.esp52  Immersive Patrols.esp53  Immersive Mercenaries.esp54  Immersive Dawnguard.esp55  Immersive Werewolves.esp56  Immersive Brigands.esp57  IMCN - Hearthfire.esp58  BabettesFeast - IMCN.esp59  IMCN - Dragonborn.esp5A  IMCN - Dawnguard.esp5B  IMCN - Drinking Fountains of Skyrim.esp5C  ELE-Special Lighting.esp5D  StaticMeshImprovementMod-FurnitureChestSnowFix.esp5E  Sweet&sixy Lingerie.esp5F  Equipping Overhaul.esp60  SkyRe_Combat.esp61  Immersive Factions.esp62  SkyRe_EnemyAI.esp63  TakeNotes.esp64  TERAArmors_CBBE.esp65  UnreadBooksGlow.esp  [Version 2.2.0]66  WetandCold.esp67  Bashed Patch, 0.esp68  ReProccer.esp69  Merged.esp
THE merged patch is new, i never had one, but made it to see if it didn't. TESVEdit does finish with this LO.
In this playthru i have only used BOSS v3 (LOOT)
  • Skyrim.esm
  • ApachiiHair.esm
    Version: 1.4
  • Update.esm
    • Warning: Contains 3 UDR records. Clean with
  • Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
    Version: 2.0.2a
  • Dawnguard.esm
    • Warning: Contains 619 ITM records, 82 UDR records and 57 deleted navmeshes. Clean with
  • SkyMoMod.esm
  • Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp
    Version: 2.0.1a
  • HearthFires.esm
    • Warning: Contains 184 ITM records, 11 UDR records and 5 deleted navmeshes. Clean with
  • Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp
    Version: 2.0.1
  • Dragonborn.esm
    • Warning: Contains 61 ITM records, 8 UDR records and 1 deleted navmeshes. Clean with
  • Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp
    Version: 2.0.1
  • Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp
    Version: 1.1.5
  • NordicSkaalHeavyFalmerWeightFix.esp
    • Note: Requires:
  • Convenient Horses.esp
    Version: 14950
    • Note: Do not clean. "Dirty" edits are intentional and required for the mod to function.
  • DeadlyDragons.esp
  • Death Cam Duration Options.esp
  • DeadlyMonsters.esp
  • StaticMeshImprovementMod-DragonbornTernFix.esp
  • ELE-FX Emittance.esp
  • ELE-Weathers.esp
  • FISS.esp
  • Footprints.esp
  • iHUD.esp
  • FullBootForKKSA.esp
    • Note: Requires:
  • RelightingSkyrim.esp
  • ELE Plugin - RS Light Color.esp
  • SkyRe_Main.esp
    • Note: If lockpicking is not work then try to delete 'interface\lockpickingmenu.swf'.
    • Note: If you have a problem with aiming try to install mod.
    • Note: To make aiming easier add the following lines to Skyrim.ini:
    • Note: [Actor]
    • Note: fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist=12288.0000
    • Note: [Combat]
    • Note: f1PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.64
    • Note: f3PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.64
    • Note: fMagnetismStrafeHeadingMult=0.0
    • Note: fMagnetismLookingMult=0.0
  • FlameAtronachArmor.esp
    • Note: Requires:
  • ELE-Spell and Torch Lighting.esp
  • ImmersiveFP.esp
  • Lock Overhaul.esp
  • SkyUI.esp
    Version: 4.1
  • AchieveThat.esp
    Version: 3.2.1
  • Customizable Camera.esp
  • Relighting Skyrim - Dawnguard.esp
  • RaceMenu.esp
  • mintylightningmod.esp
  • NoSneakAttackSound.esp
  • dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
  • EpisodeParallax.esp
  • Relighting Skyrim - Update.esp
  • ELE-Interior Lighting.esp
  • ELE-Light Bulbs Interior.esp
  • Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp
    Version: v6.5.2
  • ELE DG-Light Bulbs Interior.esp
  • ELE-Light Bulbs Exterior.esp
  • aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp
  • SkyRe_SIC Crossbowfix.esp
    Version: v6.1.2
  • SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB.esp
    Version: 3.0.esp
  • SkyRe_Survivalism.esp
  • SkyRe_EnemyScaling.esp
  • SoS - The Wilds.esp
    Version: 1.13
    • Note: Do not use the Crash Fix ESP for this mod. It is flagged as a master and is only meant as a last resort for fixing crashes.
    • Warning: Contains 8 ITM records. Clean with
  • ELE-Weather Addition.esp
  • SoS - Civilization.esp
    Version: 1.02
    • Note: Do not use the Crash Fix ESP for this mod. It is flagged as a master and is only meant as a last resort for fixing crashes.
  • Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp
    Version: v6.5.2
  • SoS - The Dungeons.esp
    Version: 1.23
    • Note: Do not use the Crash Fix ESP for this mod. It is flagged as a master and is only meant as a last resort for fixing crashes.
  • ELE DG-Interior Lighting.esp
  • Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp
  • Relighting Skyrim - Dragonborn.esp
  • SkyFalls Dragonborn Small waterfalls.esp
  • ELE DB-Interior Lighting.esp
  • Immersive Dragonborn.esp
  • dD-DG-DB-MM-SiC EBT Patch.esp
  • SkyRe_EncounterZones.esp
  • SoS-ELEPatch.esp
  • ELE-FX Effects Interior.esp
  • MageBackpack_byTumbajamba.esp
  • SFO - Expanded Diversity.esp
    • Note: Uninstall old version of Skyrim Flora Overhaul if using SFO - Expanded Diversity.esp
  • Cloaks.esp
    • Warning: Contains 2 ITM records. Clean with
  • 1nivWICCloaks.esp
    Version: 2.3
  • 1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.esp
    Version: 2.3
  • Relighting Skyrim - HearthFire.esp
  • ELE HF-Interior Lighting.esp
  • SkyRe_StandingStones.esp
  • Imp's More Complex Needs.esp
    Version: 0.31
  • BabettesFeast - IMCN.esp
  • Merged.esp
  • Radiant and Unique Potions and Poisons v2.0.esp
  • DragonBornCircletsWithCrown.esp
  • Chesko_Frostfall.esp
  • Purewaters.esp
    Version: 4.6
  • SkyRe_Races.esp
  • Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp
  • Drinking Fountains of Skyrim.esp
  • Immersive Battles.esp
  • Immersive Travelers.esp
  • Immersive Patrols.esp
  • Immersive Mercenaries.esp
  • Immersive Dawnguard.esp
  • Immersive Werewolves.esp
  • Immersive Brigands.esp
  • IMCN - Hearthfire.esp
  • IMCN - Dragonborn.esp
  • IMCN - Dawnguard.esp
  • IMCN - Drinking Fountains of Skyrim.esp
    Version: 0.31
  • Bashed Patch, 0.esp
    Version: 3/2/2014 9:02:50 PM
  • ELE-Special Lighting.esp
  • StaticMeshImprovementMod-FurnitureChestSnowFix.esp
  • StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp
  • Sweet&sixy Lingerie.esp
    • Note: Requires:
  • Equipping Overhaul.esp
  • SkyRe_Combat.esp
  • Immersive Factions.esp
  • SkyRe_EnemyAI.esp
  • TakeNotes.esp
  • TERAArmors_CBBE.esp
    • Note: Requires:
  • UnreadBooksGlow.esp
    Version: 2.2.0
  • WetandCold.esp
    Version: 1.321
  • ReProccer.esp
I turned off bash tags and CRC's to clean it up a little. I haven't cleaned anything yet, could this be the cause? Gonna start cleaning I guess, and will load the game to get a pic in the Area.
Bain Packages:
000 - ==End Projects==001 - ==Official==++ 002 - Official HD Packs.7z (9EAC0820) (Installed)++ 003 - Unofficial High Resolution Patch-31255-1-1-5.7z (39698250) (Installed)++ 004 - Unofficial Dawnguard Patch-23491-2-0-1a.7z (D863591D) (Installed)++ 005 - Unofficial Dragonborn Patch-31083-2-0-1.7z (E6070D7D) (Installed)++ 006 - Unofficial Hearthfire Patch-25127-2-0-1.7z (921A5C1C) (Installed)007 - ==UI- Interface==++ 008 - SkyUI_4_1-3863-4-1.7z (C6DC02FF) (Installed)++ 009 - Immersive HUD v2_4-3222-2-4.7z (742E8E95) (Installed)++ 010 - Unofficial Skyrim Patch-19-2-0-2a.7z (48F1CECE) (Installed)++ 011 - Take Notes - Journal of the Dragonborn-48375-1-52.7z (F6C1E65A) (Installed)++ 012 - CategorizedFavoritesMenu v0_1_18-4862-0-1-17.7z (D113B01F) (Installed)++ 013 - Equipping Overhaul-49784-3-13.7z (ED3292EE) (Installed)++ 014 - FileAccess Interface for Skyrim Scripts - FISS-48265-1-21.7z (C464F7FE) (Installed)++ 015 - Achieve That-30212-2-3-1.7z (3C035C6C) (Installed)++ 016 - Skyrim -Community- Uncapper v1_15_2_0-1175-1-15-2-0.7z (69EDFDD4) (Installed)++ 017 - RaceMenu v2-5-1-29624-2-5-1.7z (C99FCFBC) (Installed)++ 018 - Lock Overhaul-29979-1-2.7z (C29DDA95) (Installed)++ 019 - Septim HD 1 point 0-3018-1-0.7z (48D4DDB2) (Installed)020 - ==Textures==++ 021 - Enhanced Blood Textures 3_5d-60-3-5d.7z (05A4DD10) (Installed)++ 022 - Skyrim Ultra HD Texture Pack-35507-1-6.7z (474020C2) (Installed)++ 023 - aMidianBorn book of silence_ARMORS-24909-1-9.7z (BF2B7C46) (Installed)++ 024 - aMidianBorn book of silence_Creatures-24909-1-9.7z (B2D92C56) (Installed)++ 025 - aMidianBorn book of silence_DRAGONBORN DLC-24909-1-9.7z (71E76650) (Installed)++ 026 - aMidianBorn book of silence_UNIQUE ITEMS-24909-1-9.7z (91F35688) (Installed)++ 027 - aMidianBorn book of silence_WEAPONS-24909-1-9.7z (C36216F7) (Installed)++ 028 - aMidianBorn - Content Addon-24909-1-2.7z (58DF9BEF) (Installed)++ 029 - Skyforge (A1419B5A) (Installed)++ 030 - Bonemold (56FE5A83) (Installed)++ 031 - SMIM v1-61-8655-1-61.7z (9AEF91E8) (Installed)++ 032 - SMIM Meshes-27043-0-4-2.7z (8F88631F) (Installed)++ 033 - SMIM Update to 1-62d from 1-61-8655-1-62.7z (17DCF414) (Installed)++ 034 - Skyrim Flora Overhaul Regular Edition v191-141-1-91.7z (7EA901F8) (Installed)++ 035 - Project Parallax Vanilla 1-3-40512-1-3.7z (3BE4F4F6) (Installed)++ 036 - Realistic Landscape 2K-38539-0-70.7z (1C951016) (Installed)++ 037 - Realistic Snow 2K-38539-0-70.7z (C4067F3B) (Installed)++ 038 - Ruins_Clutter_Improved_v2-6-14227-2-6.7z (11B481CB) (Installed)++ 039 - jewels of the nord - high res-27038-1-2.7z (3FE4E4CF) (Installed)++ 040 - A Quality World Map Installer-4929.7z (22334214) (Installed)++ 041 - Improved NPC Clothing_1_8_1-2674.7z (7F24D607) (Installed)++ 042 - INPCC_Expansion pack_1_1-2674.7z (05655D76) (Installed)++ 043 - Radiant and Unique Potions and Poisons v2 Glow Version -18799-2-0.7z (11693246) (Installed)++ 044 - Real Ice_Azur Glacier Pack-5388.7z (AD6CEFA4) (Installed)++ 045 - WIC Cloaks 2_3-13486-2-3.7z (9397D5FB) (Installed)046 - ==Game Changers==++ 047 - SkyRe_1301-9286-1-3-01.7z (C48E868D) (Installed)++ 048 - Frostfall 2_5 Release-11163-2-5.7z (CBEABBD8) (Installed)++ 049 - Immersive Patrols Manual Installer-12977-1-7-7.7z (268A0CBA) (Installed)++ 050 - Skyrim Immersive Creatures v6_5_2 NMM BAIN-24913-v6-5-2.7z (F6B21D48) (Installed)++ 051 - SkyMoMod-V12.7z (26DE94EE) (Installed)++ 052 - SkyFalls and SkyMills FOMOD-BAIN Installer-40564-3-2.7z (0B2A5521) (Installed)++ 053 - Death Cam Duration Options.7z (E766EAF4) (Installed)++ 054 - Customizable Camera 1_82-37347-1-82.7z (DF2168F6) (Installed)055 - ==Weather and Lighting==++ 056 - 0_Pure Waters 4-6 Legendary-1111-4-6.7z (4C38BFD2) (Installed)++ 057 - MintyLightningModV23-15506-23-0.7z (BD03054F) (Installed)++ 058 - Relighting Skyrim-17609-3-5b.7z (60273DBD) (Installed)++ 061 - ELE - Weekend Release v49.7z (6599FC65) (Installed)++ 062 - Footprints v0_99-22745-0-99.7z (89D631F5) (Installed)++ 063 - Wet and Cold v1_321-27563-1-321.7z (9E2B5245) (Installed)064 - ==Character==++ 069 - Sweet and sixy Lingerie 3-0-25389-3-0.7z (DFE0F283) (Installed)++ 070 - Babettes Feast Balanced-5816-1-1.7z (7F626E09) (Installed)++ 071 - ApachiiSkyHair_v_1_5_Full-10168-1-5-Full.7z (3A7DC9BD) (Installed)++ 072 - XCE-1_13-2356-1-13.7z (09B4B0CC) (Installed)++ 073 - Caliente Female Body Mod BBE v3-2-2666-3-2-3.7z (75046B13) (Installed)++ 074 - First Person 1_6-49036-1-6.7z (265A2F1A) (Installed)++ 075 - Dragon Priest Circlets with Aetherial Crown Complete-38319-6-0.7z (049FE310) (Installed)++ 076 - magebackpack-31191-1-0.7z (5B595D46) (Installed)++ 077 - No sneak attack sound-11085-1-0.7z (814BE044) (Installed)++ 078 - Deadly Dragons package v6-3-5-3829-6-3-5.7z (0552506E) (Installed)++ 079 - Cloaks of Skyrim 1-2 -12092-1-2.7z (F50EDAFD) (Installed)++ 080 - Colored Map Markers Updated - for skyUI v4_1-19023-1-7-0.7z (08697739) (Installed)++ 081 - aKiller Keos Skimpy CBBE Armor Replacer V6-6-8-3654-6-6-8.7z (1E1401C8) (Installed)++ 082 - TERA Armors CBBE by frigus-29411-1-3.7z (D3341432) (Installed)083 - ==Sound==++ 084 - Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds 1_13 Full Version-10886-1-13.7z (D62C5705) (Installed)++ 085 - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization 1_02 Full Version-20193-1-02.7z (BF58E230) (Installed)++ 086 - Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons Full 1_23-8601-1-23.7z (7D7AAAA7) (Installed)++ 087 - SoS ELEPatch -48691-1-0.7z (1DD8D4A9) (Installed)088 - ==Immersion==++ 089 - Unread Books Glow v2_2_0-10012-2-2-0.7z (3B62C243) (Installed)++ 090 - Convenient Horses v5_0-14950-5-0.7z (DC04DF81) (Installed)++ 091 - Imps More Complex Needs v0_31-10639-0-31.7z (47D5392E) (Installed)++ 092 - Drinking Fountains of Skyrim-24282-1-2.7z (DCFF500A) (Installed)++ 093 - Glowing Ore Veins 300 2_00-193-1.7z (9A99E91D) (Installed)094 - ==possibly not doing==104 - ==Fixes==++ 105 - Skyrim_Particle_Patch_for_ENB.7z (8541D2C8) (Installed)107 - ==Programs==++ 108 - ReProccer_25-28467-2-5.7z (4436B08F) (Installed)++ 109 - MemoryBlockLog-50471-1-2.7z (F4C4EB1F) (Installed)131 - ==Last==++ 132 - Body and face normal maps CBBE-32986-1-0.7z (3B712B50) (Installed)++ 133 - Body and face texture CBBE-32986-1-1.7z (EBE05E1E) (Installed)++ 134 - 2 - Sporty CBBE - Athletic muscle map v3-2 fix-13377-1-02fix.7z (BDADE3A7) (Installed)
Appdata Plugins.txt
Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp
Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp
Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp
Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp
Convenient Horses.esp
Death Cam Duration Options.esp
ELE-FX Emittance.esp
ELE Plugin - RS Light Color.esp
ELE-Spell and Torch Lighting.esp
Lock Overhaul.esp
Customizable Camera.esp
Relighting Skyrim - Dawnguard.esp
dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
Relighting Skyrim - Update.esp
ELE-Interior Lighting.esp
ELE-Light Bulbs Interior.esp
Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp
ELE DG-Light Bulbs Interior.esp
ELE-Light Bulbs Exterior.esp
SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB.esp
SoS - The Wilds.esp
ELE-Weather Addition.esp
SoS - Civilization.esp
Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp
SoS - The Dungeons.esp
ELE DG-Interior Lighting.esp
Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp
Relighting Skyrim - Dragonborn.esp
SkyFalls Dragonborn Small waterfalls.esp
ELE DB-Interior Lighting.esp
Immersive Dragonborn.esp
dD-DG-DB-MM-SiC EBT Patch.esp
ELE-FX Effects Interior.esp
SFO - Expanded Diversity.esp
Relighting Skyrim - HearthFire.esp
ELE HF-Interior Lighting.esp
Imp's More Complex Needs.esp
BabettesFeast - IMCN.esp
Radiant and Unique Potions and Poisons v2.0.esp
Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp
Drinking Fountains of Skyrim.esp
Immersive Battles.esp
Immersive Travelers.esp
Immersive Patrols.esp
Immersive Mercenaries.esp
Immersive Dawnguard.esp
Immersive Werewolves.esp
Immersive Brigands.esp
IMCN - Hearthfire.esp
IMCN - Dragonborn.esp
IMCN - Dawnguard.esp
IMCN - Drinking Fountains of Skyrim.esp
Bashed Patch, 0.esp
ELE-Special Lighting.esp
Sweet&sixy Lingerie.esp
Equipping Overhaul.esp
Immersive Factions.esp
When ever i run LOOT it puts bashed up there, i usually move it to just above the Reproccer. (also need to report in the LOOT thread that most every FIRST run it crashes, rerun & it finishes)
So what patch/mod/compatibility thing did i miss...What can i do to in game to see what is causing it? Think my System is still in my SIG. its still the same, years
Ohh one thing i should mention...I did have both CoT and ENh lights & FX in this game, i removed them to have ELE and ENB. if this just need a restart i am not attached yet as i am just starting with this mod setup.
Gonna , take a pic, new ini files, clean plugins and start a new game, see if anything helps. open to suggestions.
Thanks in advance.
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michael flanigan
Posts: 3449
Joined: Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:33 pm

Post » Tue Mar 11, 2014 7:48 pm

You might have more luck in the BOSS/Loot thread but you do have the Unofficial High Res Patch without having the 3 high res packs.

I wonder why Apachi Hair.esm loads BEFORE the Update.esm. I would see an issue here.
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Janette Segura
Posts: 3512
Joined: Wed Aug 22, 2007 12:36 am

Post » Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:38 pm

One thing I always ask someone who is using mods, Did this just happen all of a sudden? Did it happen when yoiu first went near BFB?

If you crashed when you first encountered the area you describe, it could be a mod. If you've been to this area before but it crashes now, it might be your save. Try an earlier save.

You have to work the problem. Try an earlier save. If you don't crash TRY to get it to crash. Fast travel away then back see what happens. If it seems ok then its probably a corrupt save.

Instead of an earlier save you could try this.....

Backup your saves folder. Start a new game. Head over to BFB and try to get it to crash.

If it still crashes.......

Try unchecking ALL mods except the DLC. See what happens.

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Lady Shocka
Posts: 3452
Joined: Mon Aug 21, 2006 10:59 pm

Post » Tue Mar 11, 2014 6:27 am

Yes, nice catch , but think it is OK since I actually do have all 3 HD DLC's loading into the game, I took the 3 DLC's UNpacked the BSA's and merged them into ONE massive file (9 GB) so that A) i could remove the 3 ESP's and B} Wrye Bash can track all conflicts (over 1,000 so far) as there are 14,000 + files between the 3 i wanted to have total control. According to the Devs on the Bash team this is OK to do. But now i wonder if the patch could have problems if the ESP's are not involved?? easy check...i will untic that one first...

Apachii hair is sorted like that by the V3 BOSS/LOOT as i wont rule anything out, after some more testing I will revert back to the old BOSS to see if it is any different.

This will be my 3rd playthru, the first 2 were on the Original install from 11-11-11 took a break from Skyrim (to play some fallout's) then about 3 months ago i decided i wanted to do another run at Skyrim , I completely Wiped it clean, so i didn't have to try to Update mods n stuff, Spent over 3 months installing mods ONE at a time, reading each readme, and trying to make sure i was getting any patches i needed and so on. Only places i was too in this save is Riverwood and Whiterun , being i thought i had a stable setup i was going to do this Quest as i knew it included a Word wall and wanted to make sure i could do that. Then i was going to start my Real Save/Character as the one i mod the game with is always a throw Everything was great till i exited the back way and crashed.

Ya i may have rushed this post.. I do have some things i know to try..untickin mods . going to the area and fly high to see what going on in the distance. Could just be a bad creature or NPC from a MOD.

Figured i would post my mod list in case someone would see something and say...HEY Idiot you need ...bla bla such n such cause you have that mod n that other mod don't like each other. :smile:

Least its not a random crash....i can draw a line and know for a fact if i cross it i'm gonna see my desktop. I have been running around Riverwood and Whiterun for 9 game hours (as i loaded in mods and made sure the game started) and this is my first crash. so hopefully its something simple.

AS i re-packed about every download to be BAIN ready i more then likely messed up a mod ,forgot assets or some such.

Thanks, to both of you for having a look. as it makes me think...

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CArlos BArrera
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Post » Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:04 pm

You don't want to unpack the official BSAs or merge them together.

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Post » Tue Mar 11, 2014 6:51 am

Umm ok, why is that. when asked i was told it was ok and that the esp's were basically empty, and just their to load the textures?

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Post » Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:50 am

Because other files depend on the ESPs being there and the files being in specific locations and changing that could wreak havoc.
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Post » Tue Mar 11, 2014 3:47 pm

As i do like to learn things i have to ask...what files? and what locations.

The .7z i created has all files pack exactly like the Dlc'c were packed, Wrye installed it, and i can see the conflicts. IF i really have to have the DLS'c back the way it was, that's fine, svcks tho cause i did like the fact i could track all the conflicts i was getting from the DLC's. turns out this was not causing my crash.....

Got seriously lucky on finding the cause,

Tried unticking the Patch for the DLC's.....crash

Unticked Bash patch and Reproccer.........crash

unticked Immersive crash!...3rd try not bad.(out of 109 mods) not sure why i thought to go for creatures first but looks like i messed up something with Immersive Creatures. Going to re-download to see if i missed files or what.

Off to read up on Immersive Creatures and have a look at mods that need patches for it. so if anyone knows a bunch of things related to IC jump right in..

Got the exact spot i was running to, that was crashing....was standing a ?..Brissleback boar?....I did reading up on IC and it has a nifty little feature i did not know about.."Reset Cells"!!!

I did the reset and when i exited Bleakfalls and went to run down to the water , this time there was a Boar standing in my way. no crash, as i was laughing, i let it kill me ...i hope this was all of it.

I am going to do the Speed multi thing and cover the entire map..wish me luck. thanks..

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Taylah Haines
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Post » Tue Mar 11, 2014 6:49 pm

Not sure, I use SIC without any issues.

Have you used TES5Edit to clean your dirty mods yet?
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