Suddenly the game crashes everytime I enter an interior cell, usually instantly, but in some instances only after around 10sec. But it does crash everytime, so I'm stuck.
I don't know what have created this, since I saw no indication, that I had done anything unfortunate until the crash happened, so I have no idea what caused it. It happened just after completing the skaal test with the stones, but I haven't done anything modrelated for the last few gamedays. But besides that I have recently played the black mill, Oluhan and then Uvirith's legacy seems to have a lot of scripts which sometimes does something. But I don't know if any of these mods are known to cause problems.
Since the crash occour in all interiors, it do not seem related to a specific cell, so my own guess is that it is caused by a bad script (like to old 24hour bug in TU2), but how can I check it? can I use the console to see which scripts are running any maybe stop some of them to see if it stops the crashes.
So it would be really helpful if someone could tell me, how to see which scripts are running in MW?