Crashes after two mins of playing

Post » Wed Oct 15, 2014 12:10 pm

Not sure if I came to the right place but I figured I might as well try the forums and see if I can't come up with a solution to my problem.

What happens is I can play around in the wasteland for about 2 mins and then it crashes.I've been trying for the last 3 hours to get these mods to work :( can anyone show me where I'm messing up with the load order or where the conflicts between the mods are coming up with. I've used the BOSS program and all it comes up with 4 unrecognized mods, but everything else loads up fine. I have NVSE installed and have NMM starting that. I have also tried to use the 4gb mod as well and still to no avail the same issue occurs. Here's the list of mods I have in the load order that they show up in NMM.

  • fallounv.esm
  • deadmoney.esm
  • honesthearts.esm
  • oldworldblues.esm
  • lonesomeroad.esm
  • gunrunnersarsenal.esm
  • project nevada - core.esm
  • project nevada - equipment.esm
  • YUP- base game + all dlc.esm
  • classicpack.esm
  • mercenarypack.esm
  • tribalpack.esm
  • caravanpack.esm
  • nevada skies.esm
  • weapon mod expansion.esm
  • caliber.esm
  • caliberxhonesthearts.esm
  • caliberxgunrunners.esm
  • electro-city- completeworkorders.esm
  • electro-city- highways and byways.esm
  • interior lighting overhaul- core.esm
  • interior lighting overhaul- l38ps.esm
  • fcomaster.esm
  • new vegas redesigned II.esp
  • project nevada - rebalance.esp
  • weapon mod expansion.esp
  • yup - npc fixes (base game + all dlc).esp
  • nevadaskies - ultimate dlc edition.esp
  • mojave nights.esp
  • interior lighting overhaul - ultimate edition.esp
  • dD - enhance blood main nv.esp
  • the weapon mod menu.esp
  • voice dissonance fix.esp
  • pipboylight.esp
  • ilo - gs shack.esp
  • Vurt's wfo.esp
  • ilo - nevada skies patch.esp
  • the mod configuration menu.esp
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Milagros Osorio
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Post » Wed Oct 15, 2014 6:11 am

Does it crash with no mods running on a new character? If it is stable then we know it is a mod or combo of mods that is causing the issue. The next step is to activate a mod or two and the needed plugins the mod needs and see if the issue continues and go from there. might need to read up on the mods descriptions or the forum for the mod at Nexus to see if you might need a patch for it to work with another mod if it is a mod compatibility.

Does it always crash at a specific location?

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Cameron Garrod
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