Hi. I play a heavily modded Skyrim, and can post a mod list if you would like, but my main issue is this: I never used to use the Skyrimlauncher. Then, one day, I used it. Now whenever I play Skyrim it crashes upon reaching the main menu. When I relaunch the Skyrim laucher, my mouse has the loading button (with the sand timer thing) so my PC is trying to do something I guess but I don't know how that messed up the game.
Any ideas?
Other details that may or may not help: usually after I try to use the skyrim launcher after many months it resets my graphics settings "hardware settings have been set to: high, low, medium etc." This time it did not...not sure if that means anything. I had installed an ENB, but the game had worked fine after a couple of runs and no problems came until I used the skyrimlauncher.exe. Completely uninstalling the ENB and turning off anti-aliasing did not help.