I sent the following to support but got an automated response with no indication that a human was actually going to look at, and a suggestion that I post here. Any advice/appreciated.
I'm trying to run Fallout 4 on a Mac via Bootcamp and the game keeps crashing.
It was a totally fresh Bootcamp install, with a Windows 7 install from an ISO I downloaded yesterday from Microsoft (I have a Windows key from playing SWTOR the same way a couple years ago.)
First I tried (all day yesterday) to run it on Windows 7. The game would launch, but when I would try to start a New Game I'd get the little pulsing progress icon in the bottom right for 10 seconds or so, then the game would crash. I'd get the error "Display driver Intel HD Graphics Driers for Windows 8® stopped responding and successfully recovered."
I don't really know anything about Windows, but it looked like it was trying to use a driver for Windows 8, not 7. I read through all the forum threads I could find, especially on the Intel site, and tried repeatedly to update my drivers, but never with success.
Finally late last night I took the free upgrade to Windows 10. On my first try it got farther and I thought I solved it. After choosing New Game I got the progress icon for a while (breath held the whole time) then it played a cut scene, then crashed. Booooo.
So I tried a couple more times, but now it crashes as soon as I try to start the game from the launcher. I.e., I'm not even getting as far as I was under Windows 7. Also, no errors pop up now...the game just dies and goes away.
It's gotta be the video drivers, right? What can I do? Help!
I know performance is going to be terrible but I don't care about that; I just want it to run.