MTB, I know it's been a while, but I've been struggling with a new install (with a bunch of experimentation, not to mention some really daft mistakes so far...) and so on.
How is ENB working out for you now - any better? More to the point perhaps, working at all? I wish I knew something that could help straight away, but I can still try to figure out what might be wrong, and with any luck stumble upon it.
A bit of advice, once you do get it working (or if you have already) - tweaking the settings isn't particularly straightforward. Or at least, not for me. For example, these screenshots are from my new install (again!) with no ESPs or ESMs except Oblivion and Shivering Isles, patched. The only *mod* (excluding ENB, which kinda counts, I guess) is Alternative Start Revamped, so I could quickly and easily start just about anywhere, and check out the scenery. No mesh, texture, LOD, weather, water replacers/enhancers or whatever here either. This is basically a fresh install, plus ENB. But things could be better, as you can see - things are rather dark, and a bit... peculiar in some ways:
So, some tweaking is
certainly in order. Well, IMO. I've seen some pretty amazing ENB screenies for TES4, and I even took a few ages ago (which I can't find now, unfortunately). But it might take a while (or not) to get there. And it doesn't do anything about horrible tiling, realistic lighting or the like. Enter mods...

edit: Oh my. So, I managed to bork that process too! are some more likely candidates for Vanilla + ENB, but I'm sure I have a lot to learn. If I do learn anything of use, and it turns out you can run ENB fine (or are already) I'll be happy to pass it on.