The one thing that sticks out is I was just walking around Chorrol and a guard draws his sword (I thought at me, at first), and screams some battle cry (oh, how I wish I could remember what it is), turns around and starts running so I follow him and he finds the lady with the two dogs and slays one with a single swipe of his sword, sheathes it, and starts having a conversation with the woman about random news. I like to pretend that the guard used to be a soldier in solstheim and had a bad encounter with some werewolves and his PTSD made him have a flashback and he went crazy.
Sometimes the AI can attack random neutral targets if they are attacked or sense an enemy nearby.
Once I was sneaking in a dungeon, suddenly a orc come screaming towards me, I shot him and missed, he run past me into a side corridor and killed a rat.
If you shoot enemies from long range while sneaking they can attack a nearby deer suspecting it’s the shooter.
They also have problems with target priority. Do a ranged attack and they go into combat mode, now if a mudcrab is closer than you they might prefer to attack it, making it possible to shoot them in the back a couple of times.