Noone ever argues about whether FO3 is better than Age of Empires II.
Because Ages of Empires isn't part of what is called the Fallout series?
What will be interesting will be seeing where FO:NV come in best games polls in future years. This years (US) PC Gamer put FO3 at no 27
Fallout 1 actually placed pretty high if I remember right. Amazing how well the game has held for 13 years.
Edit: it placed #7. Damn that's amazing.
This actually surprised me. I really didn't have much fun with Oblivion. I mean, it's a pretty game, but combat was dull, dungeons were repetitive, and the mainquest repelled me. It's advertised as a RPG, but where is the roleplay? I guess there's some things I'll never understand.