I recently began to play through Morrowind, I really love the game and I am using the overhaul mod with all setting maxed up. Except for.. I am playing in 800*600. I can play it in 1920*1080 also and tried that, but for some reason I prefer the low resolution.. It makes everything more soft and not so sharp. I have notice I can like this in other games to. If you have the resolution maxed out it is so easy to see all the faults that you dont see on a lower resolution. You see every sharp cut in the models and everything looks a bit more "sterile".
Am I strange for liking to play in such a lower resolution then what I could do? Anyone else who like this?
I made some screenshots of small and big resolutions. The big resolution looks very nice, but I still like the more pixelated smaller ones, you may need to zoom in a bit to see because the lower resolution gives much smaller screenshots. (ctrl + mouse weel)