I'm making a mod, and I want to make a number of different spells that do similar things. However, if I learn how to make one of them, then I will be able to teach myself how the rest work. Here is the sample spell:
Fire and forget - For 15 seconds, one-handed attacks, shield bashes, and destruction spells all additionally do 20 points of fire damage.
Fire and forget - the next one-handed attack, shield bash, or destruction fire and forget spell additionally does 20 points of fire damage.
Concentration - one-handed attacks, shield bashes, and destruction spells all additionally do 20 points of fire damage.
If, somehow, it would be simpler to add this effect to two-handed weapons and bows as well, then that is fine, though it wouldn't be a particularly practical spell for those weapons types.
If anyone is feeling particularly helpful and could tell me how to also add an explosive aoe effect or a "catch on fire" effect, that would be awesome too.
P.S. For the curious, the mod is rather large and not limited to magic, but I'm trying to make smaller mods to test my ideas out first.