If nirns gods are so shaped by mortal beliefs and it is possible for a mortal to reach god hood ala talos then What's to stop a large group of people (the more the merrier) from appointing some random chap as the head of their order worshipping him/her as a god thus bestowing on him living god hood? Perhaps there are rules I am overlooking here? But surely if a book was written copied and given to every member of this religion with a set of rules in it that must be absolutely believed in I.e 1)said appointed man/women has absolute power over Nirn. 2) he/she knows all blah blah blah with what ever other tenants you would wish your new god to have. Now remember each member believes in all these tenants 100% now would that be enough to bestow said power/ability to the man or woman in question or is there more to it then pure belief and worship?
Thanks for any replies and I hope my point is understood