"Loading, Loading, Loading... Get them models Loading... Rawhide!"
Oh Mah GAWD! I had a cabin in some ski field with a moose head that kept singin this! Rollin' Rollin' Rollin', get them dogies rollin' Rawhide! Nice, these are freakin' funny

My loading screens would be:
When you meet someone stronger than you--- Oh right... Level scaling... Nevermind...
Remember children, telekinesis is possible for all non-mages using the Z key.
Dovahkiins voice is very loud, earmuffs are required within a 10 metre vicinity.
Quickscoping can be useful... Especially if you have a sniper rifle... Which you don't....
The land of tamriel is known for its crime punishment, a stolen item can be magically identified on sight.
When trying to sneak up on someone.... Put away your torch.
The best way to win an arguement is to have a big gun... Or stick, whatever suits you.