Unending Fury (Preq. Level 10) - Killing an opponent restores 5-15% of your maximum Fatigue and increases your damage by 10%
Martial Trance (Preq. Level 20, Blade or Blunt > 75) - Whenever you are outnumbered, you have a chance (Possible formula: (EnemyCount - CompanionCount - 1) * 10) to enter a martial trance, increasing all damage dealt by 20% and reducing damage taken by 10%. Additionally all of your melee attacks have a chance to stagger or knock down your enemies and you are less likely to be staggered or knocked down.
Conflagration (Preq. Destruction 50) - Your fire spells deal an additional 40% damage over 5 seconds.
Firestorm (Preq. Destruction 100) - Your AoE fire spells will create an inferno where they hit. The inferno deals a portion of the base spells damage every second and lasts as long as a target is taking damage by it. Each target taking damage by the inferno increases the damage by 15%.