Those are pretty good perks. Here's a couple I've singled out for a little constructive criticism on:
Mercy - instead of a fatal finishing move, you can opt to knock your enemy unconscious when they run out of health. But you can still pick-pocket them and leave them in their underwear
Teleport - a justification for fast travel, and making it an early perk would act to make it optional as well
PlagueBearer - Melee attacks have a 10% of passing on your diseases to the enemy.
Mercy - I can't really imagine a situation where this trait would be useful or necessary, except maybe for specific quests, and it seems like it might take you out of the moment. Is there a particular use you have in mind for this?
Teleport - I love the idea of making fast travel a perk, so I wouldn't be quite so tempted to use it. But if I needed fast-travel and my character is a magickaphobe, I wouldn't want to use a skill called "teleport"... Plus it would defy fast travel as it works in OB and F3, since time still passes regularly during fast travel. How about calling it "Forced March" or something similar instead?
Plague Bearer - It's a cool perk, but it wouldn't be worth walking around with a disease for a 10% chance, especially when I'm about to kill them anyway. I'd like it a lot, though, if it spread a unique "Plague Bearer" plague that didn't affect my character.