If they're going with the whole "perk tree"-thing some of us have expected, I can see something similar to this being used.
Block at 25: you get a choice between two perks. One gives you a bonus while blocking with a shield, the other gives you a bones while blocking with a weapon. The more your skill increases, the more you can upgrade the perks you already have, or select new ones if you so desire. A 'tree' could then be something like this:
Block: Shield Expertise -> Block: Shield Protection -> Block: Shield Bash
(with fancier names, though)
Later on, you could tie certain perks to more than one skill. For instance, if you've got both Block and Blade at 75, and have leveled up your Shield and Long Blade perks, you could gain a special "critical strike"-move that allows you to deal critical damage to an opponent who got staggered by your Shield Bash.
Short Blade perks could give you "backstab" and "flurry" abilities, for instance, when coupled with sneak and combat, respectively.
There's endless possibilities for a system like this. If Bethesda's is different, I'll be remembering it for the time when I get to make games someday, if ever. Keep 'em coming guys.