They have been stated in the GI article to be in this installment like it or not.
You get a perk every level (usually 1-50) but it is possible to get them all if you grind your levels enough I'm guessing. Much how the FO series have used perks.
Oblivion had a similar perk system where every quarter level(every 25 point) of a skill you recieve a small advantage.
Heres are the lists of perks from FO3 and FONV. Just to get an idea of what they are or how useful they can be and for ideas.
I'm not sure the level of how useful perks will be, until we actually see some examples.
-One stated by people who have read the GI article(I haven't read it yet) is a mace perk that goes through % damage through armor when using a mace/blunt weapon. Another stated was a perk that allows more dagger dmage during a successful stealth attack.
So any idea for perks?
Be creative, but try to be reasonable.