Heh, nice typo's.

Create a perk ey?
We had a thread for this some time ago: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1179514-dream-perks/
But since it's dead I'm going to repost my perk ideas:
Requirements: lvl 4, 40 Melee
Slasher - You get a +25% damage to all knifes. (3 ranks)
Requirements:lvl 6, 60 Melee, Agility 5
Speedy Blade - You get +30% attack speed with all knifes.
Requirements: lvl 10, 70 Melee
Bleed Out - With all knifes you get a bleed effect upon critical hits.
(The bleed effect is one third of the weapons damage x 10 seconds. (so if the damage is 30 then it's -10hp/10s))
Requirements: lvl 16, 90 Melee
Backstab - While using a knife you get a bonus to critical damage when attacking an enemy in the back. (+200%)
Requirements: 20, 90 Melee
Precision Stabbing - You get +50% damage to all regular critical hits while using a knife. (Sneak attack criticals does not count.)
Requirements: 24, 100 Melee, Perception 7
Critical Slash - You get +4% critical chance with all knifes. (3 ranks.)
I want to use knifes more but they aren't very good, need more perks to make them good.
Requirements: Lvl 24, Energy Weapons 90, Science 90
Plasma Burn - Plasma weapons now inflict a burning damage upon the foes it hits. +5dmg/5sec
(3 ranks, each rank gives +5dmg/5sec, so rank 3 means each plasma shot gives 15dmg/15sec, this does NOT stack, this means that if you fire a shot at an enemy when it's 8 seconds left then the burn effect restarts, so it'll basically be a continuous effect.)
Requirement: Lvl 16, Energy Weapons 60
Energy Duelist - Laser and plasma pistol get +8 DAM, +20% reload speed and +3% critical chance. (2 ranks, 2nd rank doubles the 1st ranks effects.)
Requirement: Lvl 20, Energy Weapons 75
Need For Plasma - All Plasma projectiles travels 50% faster than before.
Requirement: Lvl 22, Science 75
Fluent Hacker - You instantly hack into Very Easy and Easy computers. (Rank 2; Science 100, Instantly hack into Normal and Hard computers.)