We all know the beloved races of Tamriel, but, if YOU were to create a race, what atributes, apparence, attidude ect.* What would you give them?
Now, If I were to create a race and add it to Oblivion, it would have to be a humanoid shadow creature.
EXAMPLE: -I don't really mean this-
Basically, I'm thinking that they would be similar to Taokaka from BlazBlue, only MORE fierce, less kitty-like, and darker.

They would be ancestors of Khajiit and Dark Elves,
Specializes in Destuction and Restoration ect.........
This was an example, don't take me seriously, or I'll cry.
*** Ect meaning more infromation about your race is necessary.
This is strickly for the love of creative purposes and my love of different/fantasy races and also being able to read about what you would like in this game.
^My other post that basically follows the concept of this.^