Thanks for your reply - I should've been more specific in my question, doh! I meant I would like to have the skeleto return _to the player's house_ (Breezehome) every few days/weeks. If I understand correctly, what you suggested was to respawn the enemy within the same cell it was killed. Sorry I wasn't clear on that, my bad.
I stumbled across a tutorial on AI Packages + location schedules for NPCs and now I'm thinking that what I'm looking for may be possible by letting the skeleton travel to the house via AI package on a given schedule. The first of two remaining question would then be whether I could create a condition for this traveling schedule to kick in. Ironically, the condition would be for the same NPC to be dead first, which I don't know if that's possible....I guess if there's no other way I could make a copy of the enemy actor to be killed, and upon its death spawn the other copy which would then have the AI package for "visiting" the player's The second issue would be the origin from which the NPC should travel to the house - but I figure I could either let it spawn in the cave beneith the house or I could put it in some hidden room within Breezehome's interior cell, and let it enter the house via an invisible teleport-marker...something like that.
Sorry if that sounded confusing, just thinking out loud here