Adoring Flargthir
Flargthir falls out of the sky infront of you at a random point in the game, he doesn't die and instantly goes to you, he will ask for coins and will keep on asking until your broke or say no, upon which he will rage and storm off. notice he doesnt die, and everytime you strike him a Dragon will attack, but it will not give you any shouts or Souls and your skills wont raise during the fight, and all the while Flargthir will run around screaming by azura by azura by azura, until the dragon dies, which is reletively easy to kill.
an undetermined amount of time later, no matter where you are, or what you are doing Flargthir will interrupt what ever you are doing and will initiate conversation with you starting with the statement "I have a feeling you and I are about to get -very- close" , he will follow you constantly so that the conversation doesnt break until you give into his requests or tell him to ***** off, he will also ask for money unless you give in to his demands
If not he rages and storms off.
after the 3rd time Flargthir will Return doned in the strongest most badass armor availible no where else in the game, and he will try to kill you.
he's also the only person in the game with Attributes an will have them all maxed out, he will also have the only sanctuary enchantment in the game, allowing him to phase out your weapon strikes to simulate the annoyance in Morrowind. he also fights with his fists and kicks to make a mockery of what you can't do

he can also absorb your dragon shouts and spite them back at you, and finally he can become a dragon after nearly dying, and you still can't absorb his soul