Create your Own Adoring Fan, Glarthir, Fargoth, Etc.

Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:24 pm

This topic is going to be for amusemant purposes. If you lack the ability to enjoy a less serious thread then you might wanna click that back button now. Okay! So.. Even though a lot of people disliked characters like Glarthir and the Adoring Fan I believe they have a great home in TES. The crazies in TES add a lot of humor and personality. That being said, I want to take this time to create a thread where we create our own Skyrim version of these characters. A character you would love to see or one that you would think is absolutely hilarious. This thread is for creative people with a sense of humor. Have fun with it! I see all of these threads about backstories so why not a thread creating your own crazy individual for Skyrim?

Mr Nibbins: A Nord who has gone completely mad. He dresses up like a Khajiit and thinks he is a Khajiit. He tries to act like a Khajiit but always ends up being stereotypical and offensive to actual Khajiits, acting more like a house cat than a Khajiit. He often can be found scrounging for food, usually giant rats. Found serenading on a stone wall at midnight on occasion. The local drug dealers convince him he is buying a form of Skyrim catnip when in reality he is buying skooma which doesn't help the insanity. The daughter of Mr. Nibbins is perfectly sane and the only way she can get him to come home safely is by leaving a bowl of milk outside her door to lure him home. Poor Poor, Mr. Nibbins.

Alright! That was my Skyrim crazy person. Now you guys, make me laugh.
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Marta Wolko
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:00 pm

A naked Nord who follows you around asking for your pants.

Then if you give him your pants he doesn't actually want them, he just wanted you to take off your pants.
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Manuela Ribeiro Pereira
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:55 pm

Mr Nibbins: A Nord who has gone completely mad. He dresses up like a Khajiit and thinks he is a Khajiit. He tries to act like a Khajiit but always ends up being stereotypical and offensive to actual Khajiits, acting more like a house cat than a Khajiit. He often can be found scrounging for food, usually giant rats. Found serenading on a stone wall at midnight on occasion. The local drug dealers convince him he is buying a form of Skyrim catnip when in reality he is buying skooma which doesn't help the insanity. The daughter of Mr. Nibbins is perfectly sane and the only way she can get him to come home safely is by leaving a bowl of milk outside her door to lure him home. Poor Poor, Mr. Nibbins.
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:25 pm

I'd love a reference to that guy, though.
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:30 pm

Oh my gosh.. are you serious? I never saw that character in Morrowind... LMAO! That is too real.
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Keeley Stevens
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:40 pm

A naked Nord who follows you around asking for your pants.

Then if you give him your pants he doesn't actually want them, he just wanted you to take off your pants.

LOL! Or when you finally give him some he puts his own back on and asks what you're doing. lol
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Arnold Wet
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:32 pm

LOL! Or when you finally give him some he puts his own back on and asks what you're doing. lol

or worse.. Since they no longer stop the world from moving when you talk to NPCs I would LOVE to see him scream out loud "HELP! THIS MAN/WOMAN IS TAKING HIS/HER PANTS OFF IN FRONT OF ME! GUARDS!" and everyone around him turns to see you without your pants.
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Nick Jase Mason
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:40 am

Burgak-gro-bumgob i dont know exactly what he will do but something about that name i just made up just says town drunkard
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The Time Car
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:38 pm

actually there was a slave in fallout 3 that you could gain ownership of by killing his previous owner. i rather liked that one.
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Danny Blight
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:24 pm

or worse.. Since they no longer stop the world from moving when you talk to NPCs I would LOVE to see him scream out loud "HELP! THIS MAN/WOMAN IS TAKING HIS/HER PANTS OFF IN FRONT OF ME! GUARDS!" and everyone around him turns to see you without your pants.

No you will scar the children! :down:
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Matthew Aaron Evans
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:48 pm

dang i hat this postin syustm
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:23 pm

Adoring Flargthir

Flargthir falls out of the sky infront of you at a random point in the game, he doesn't die and instantly goes to you, he will ask for coins and will keep on asking until your broke or say no, upon which he will rage and storm off. notice he doesnt die, and everytime you strike him a Dragon will attack, but it will not give you any shouts or Souls and your skills wont raise during the fight, and all the while Flargthir will run around screaming by azura by azura by azura, until the dragon dies, which is reletively easy to kill.

an undetermined amount of time later, no matter where you are, or what you are doing Flargthir will interrupt what ever you are doing and will initiate conversation with you starting with the statement "I have a feeling you and I are about to get -very- close" , he will follow you constantly so that the conversation doesnt break until you give into his requests or tell him to ***** off, he will also ask for money unless you give in to his demands

If not he rages and storms off.

after the 3rd time Flargthir will Return doned in the strongest most badass armor availible no where else in the game, and he will try to kill you.

he's also the only person in the game with Attributes an will have them all maxed out, he will also have the only sanctuary enchantment in the game, allowing him to phase out your weapon strikes to simulate the annoyance in Morrowind. he also fights with his fists and kicks to make a mockery of what you can't do :evil:

he can also absorb your dragon shouts and spite them back at you, and finally he can become a dragon after nearly dying, and you still can't absorb his soul

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Brandon Wilson
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:41 pm

i remember him XD!
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:44 pm

oops :o
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Jamie Moysey
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:39 pm

A randomly spawned, obnoxious, radioactive looking, neon pink dragon that burns your eyes out, and follows you everywhere you go including dungeons because he will have no clipping when he would be stopped, but magically has a ginormous hit-box and full clipping at every point that it would be inconvenient. He will incessantly pester you with an annoying voice, saying.."why aren't we partying?", and "halt". He will also constantly be in your way, blocking doors, bodies, people, your enemies, and other dragons. If you kill him, he will explode into cliffracers and respawn again, so you will be bothered by cliffracers and the dragon. The only way to be rid of him is to either die, or reload and hope you never run into him. :swear:
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Rob Smith
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:50 pm

Adoring Flargthir

Flargthir falls out of the sky infront of you at a random point in the game, he doesn't die and instantly goes to you, he will ask for coins and will keep on asking until your broke or say no, upon which he will rage and storm off. notice he doesnt die, and everytime you strike him a Dragon will attack, but it will not give you any shouts or Souls and your skills wont raise during the fight, and all the while Flargthir will run around screaming by azura by azura by azura, until the dragon dies, which is reletively easy to kill.

an undetermined amount of time later, no matter where you are, or what you are doing Flargthir will interrupt what ever you are doing and will initiate conversation with you starting with the statement "I have a feeling you and I are about to get -very- close" , he will follow you constantly so that the conversation doesnt break until you give into his requests or tell him to ***** off, he will also ask for money unless you give in to his demands

If not he rages and storms off.

after the 3rd time Flargthir will Return doned in the strongest most badass armor availible no where else in the game, and he will try to kill you.

he's also the only person in the game with Attributes an will have them all maxed out, he will also have the only sanctuary enchantment in the game, allowing him to phase out your weapon strikes to simulate the annoyance in Morrowind. he also fights with his fists and kicks to make a mockery of what you can't do :evil:

he can also absorb your dragon shouts and spite them back at you, and finally he can become a dragon after nearly dying, and you still can't absorb his soul


And then when he dies he burns like a dragon so you can't collect the armour and respawns inside the next city you visit.
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Taylah Illies
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:52 pm


An elderly Argonian skooma-head who insists on telling you how good things were back-in-the-day (i.e. past features from games that have been cut)
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:00 pm

The Adoring Fangirl: An attractive female member of your race who follows you around, never questioning anything you do and squeeling when you talk to her or kill anything. She holds your torch, tries to hind behind you when there's danger and offers different "services" depending on the available furniture, some leading to temporary black screens that allow one to exercise their imagination.
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Matt Terry
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:09 am

Adoring Flargthir

Flargthir falls out of the sky infront of you at a random point in the game, he doesn't die and instantly goes to you, he will ask for coins and will keep on asking until your broke or say no, upon which he will rage and storm off. notice he doesnt die, and everytime you strike him a Dragon will attack, but it will not give you any shouts or Souls and your skills wont raise during the fight, and all the while Flargthir will run around screaming by azura by azura by azura, until the dragon dies, which is reletively easy to kill.

an undetermined amount of time later, no matter where you are, or what you are doing Flargthir will interrupt what ever you are doing and will initiate conversation with you starting with the statement "I have a feeling you and I are about to get -very- close" , he will follow you constantly so that the conversation doesnt break until you give into his requests or tell him to ***** off, he will also ask for money unless you give in to his demands

If not he rages and storms off.

after the 3rd time Flargthir will Return doned in the strongest most badass armor availible no where else in the game, and he will try to kill you.

he's also the only person in the game with Attributes an will have them all maxed out, he will also have the only sanctuary enchantment in the game, allowing him to phase out your weapon strikes to simulate the annoyance in Morrowind. he also fights with his fists and kicks to make a mockery of what you can't do :evil:

he can also absorb your dragon shouts and spite them back at you, and finally he can become a dragon after nearly dying, and you still can't absorb his soul


This. :D
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Blessed DIVA
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:25 pm

Adoring Flargthir

Flargthir falls out of the sky infront of you at a random point in the game, he doesn't die and instantly goes to you, he will ask for coins and will keep on asking until your broke or say no, upon which he will rage and storm off. notice he doesnt die, and everytime you strike him a Dragon will attack, but it will not give you any shouts or Souls and your skills wont raise during the fight, and all the while Flargthir will run around screaming by azura by azura by azura, until the dragon dies, which is reletively easy to kill.

an undetermined amount of time later, no matter where you are, or what you are doing Flargthir will interrupt what ever you are doing and will initiate conversation with you starting with the statement "I have a feeling you and I are about to get -very- close" , he will follow you constantly so that the conversation doesnt break until you give into his requests or tell him to ***** off, he will also ask for money unless you give in to his demands

If not he rages and storms off.

after the 3rd time Flargthir will Return doned in the strongest most badass armor availible no where else in the game, and he will try to kill you.

he's also the only person in the game with Attributes an will have them all maxed out, he will also have the only sanctuary enchantment in the game, allowing him to phase out your weapon strikes to simulate the annoyance in Morrowind. he also fights with his fists and kicks to make a mockery of what you can't do :evil:

he can also absorb your dragon shouts and spite them back at you, and finally he can become a dragon after nearly dying, and you still can't absorb his soul


...By Azura.
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Austin Suggs
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:23 am

Garmin: The local Wood Elf (Fargoth Ripoff - the town loser) that thinks he's the "coolest in town" and spends most his time at the local tavern insulting you and bragging about his petty accomplishments. Bethesda decides to be total jerks and makes him a part of the main quest, and decides to implement important characters going unconscious rather than dying, making it physically impossible to kill Garmin without modding the game.
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Kari Depp
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:22 pm

Garmin: The local Wood Elf (Fargoth Ripoff - the town loser) that thinks he's the "coolest in town" and spends most his time at the local tavern insulting you and bragging about his petty accomplishments. Bethesda decides to be total jerks and makes him a part of the main quest, and decides to implement important characters going unconscious rather than dying, making it physically impossible to kill Garmin without modding the game.

Does he also give great directions?
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Michelle Smith
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Post » Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:30 am

Garmin: The local Wood Elf (Fargoth Ripoff - the town loser) that thinks he's the "coolest in town" and spends most his time at the local tavern insulting you and bragging about his petty accomplishments. Bethesda decides to be total jerks and makes him a part of the main quest, and decides to implement important characters going unconscious rather than dying, making it physically impossible to kill Garmin without modding the game.

no. as funny as that sounds it only serves to continue the bosmer joke race syndrome from oblivion
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sexy zara
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:41 am

Bump for pleasant discussion
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Katy Hogben
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:43 pm

I would love a annoying little wood elf Bard that follows you with his lute and sings a song for most quest related situations, mostly making you seem dumb in them for not making the choices he would have. Also, his voice would sound like the green guy in this video. Mayhaps sans the cursing. xD
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Max Van Morrison
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