- What I'm trying to accomplish:
I'm trying to change the name of a type of arrows added by the mod Requiem. These arrows are called "Silver Arrow". To make them sort better with the rest of my arrows I want them to be called "Arrow - Silver".
- How I'm trying to do that:
I load the mod (Requiem.esp) in the CK, go to [Items] -> [Ammo] and change the Item name from "Silver Arrow" to "Arrow - Silver" and save it as a seperate ESP called "requiem_arrow_fix.esp"
- What's happening:
As long as I stay in the CK it works, but once I save and load the new "requiem_arrow_fix.esp" the CK made a dublicate instead of changing the original.
The original "Silver Arrow" has the EditorID "SteelArrowSilver" and FormID (040FAV0E).
The new, dublicated "Arrow - Silver" has the EditorID "SteelArrowSilverDUPLICATE001" and FormID (050FAV0E).
- The Problem:
Why did the CK create a dublicate when I wanted to change the name of an existing item? Up until now edits like this always worked for me. I'm sure this is something trivial for most experienced modders, but I have absoulutely no idea what is happening here.