So Basically I am trying to create use a menu option in the MCM menu. THe Menu shows up just fine when I run the game, and even opens, but the open Menu shows almost no text (just the title of the menu). Can anyone help me figure out why the text I set up isn't showing?
Scriptname ReweightItems extends SKI_ConfigBase FormList Property BRRWWeaponsAddedFormList Auto FormList Property BRRWArmorAddedFormList Auto FormList Property BRRWAmmoAddedFormList Auto FormList Property BRRWPotionsAddedFormList Auto FormList Property BRRWFoodAddedFormList Auto FormList Property BRRWBooksAddedFormList Auto FormList Property BRRWIngredientsAddedFormList Auto FormList Property BRRWKeysAddedFormList Auto FormList Property BRRWMiscAddedFormList Auto FormList Property BRRWScrollsAddedFormList Auto ; SCRIPT VERSION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------int function GetVersion() return 1 ; Default versionendFunction; PRIVATE VARIABLES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------int count;Listsint[] listSizeint[] numberofPagesstring[] itemNamesstring[] highlightInfostring[] menuList; OIDs (T:Text B:Toggle S:Slider M:Menu, C:Color, K:Key)int[] _addedMenuOID_Mint _finishedAddedOID_B;int _mySliderOID_S; Stateint[] addedMenuStatesbool finishedAddedState; INITIALIZATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------; @implements SKI_ConfigBaseevent OnConfigInit() {Called when this config menu is initialized} listSize = new int[10] numberOfPages = new int[10] itemNames = new string[11] itemNames[0] = "Items " itemNames[1] = "Weapons " itemNames[2] = "Armor " itemNames[3] = "Ammo " itemNames[4] = "Potions " itemNames[5] = "Scrolls " itemNames[6] = "Food " itemNames[7] = "Ingredients " itemNames[8] = "Books " itemNames[9] = "Keys " itemNames[10] = "Misc Items" highlightInfo = new string[6] highlightInfo[0] = "Select new " highlightInfo[1] = "added to game if new " highlightInfo[2] = "have been added to the game since this menu was last opened. Select new " highlightInfo[3] = "in inventory if no new " highlightInfo[4] = "are in game, but some " highlightInfo[5] = "are new to the inventory since this menu was last opened. Select no change if there are no changes since this menu was last opened." menuList = new string[4] menuList[0] = "" menuList[1] = "New to game" menuList[2] = "New to inventory" menuList[3] = "No change" _addedMenuOID_M = new int[11] addedMenuStates = new int[11] count = 0 While count<11 addedMenuStates[count]=0 count+=1 endWhile Pages = new string[1] Pages[0] = "Setup Page"endEvent; EVENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; @implements SKI_ConfigBaseevent OnPageReset(string a_page) {Called when a new page is selected, including the initial empty page} if(a_page=="Setup Page") ;set or reset Pages ;string[] resetPages = new string[1] ;resetPages[0] = Pages[0] ;Pages = resetPages ;Fill setup page setCursorFillMode(TOP_TO_BOTTOM) count = 0 while count<11 if(count==0) _addedMenuOID_M[count] = AddMenuOption(itemNames[count]+"Added?", menuList[addedMenuStates[count]]) AddEmptyOption() else _addedMenuOID_M[count] = AddMenuOption(itemNames[count]+"Added?", menuList[addedMenuStates[count]],OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN) endIf count+=1 endWhile AddEmptyOption() _finishedAddedOID_B = AddToggleOption("Finished selecting added items", finishedAddedState) endIf endEvent; @implements SKI_ConfigBaseevent OnOptionMenuOpen(int a_option) {Called when a menu option has been selected} count = 0 while count<11 if(a_option==_addedMenuOID_M[count]) Debug.Trace("menu" + a_option) SetMenuDialogOptions(menuList) Debug.Trace("Compare:" + _addedMenuOID_M[count]) SetMenuDialogStartIndex(addedMenuStates[count]) SetMenuDialogDefaultIndex(3) endIf count+=1 endWhileendEvent
Both Debug traces show up in the logs, so I am entering the if statement correctly but the text isn't showing up. when I set addedMenuStates to number other then one, the text does appear properly in the MCM menu.