I want to create a new faction of NPCs and new types of NPC within existing factions, like The Enclave, for example.
For now lets talk about making a new enclave character. I've made a few modified weapons with the geck, and now I want to face enemies who use them. For immediate testing purposes it was easy enough to create a new form of any enemy, throw out it's default inventory and specifically assign it the equipment I want it to use including the specific weapon. But using this method it will always use that particular weapon.
The existing leveled actors spawn their gear randomly, within certain types. A lvlraidergun for example doesn't spawn a particular gun, it spawns a random weapon of that type.
So, what exactly controls what type of equipment a particular form of leveled actor will spawn with? I assume there's a dialog box somewhere that I can input a number of types of items in and then assign the list to a particular form?