Creating a new spell an Shout

Post » Wed Jul 24, 2013 3:26 pm

Ok maybe im biting off way more then i can chew here since im a complete amateur with the CK even after watching the tutorial vids i still get lost.

That said what i want to do is create a combination of a normal spell but when combined with the shout will make the shout a stronger version of it self.

For example unrelenting force would be strong enough to knock a dragon back or if the dragon was flying would cause it to crash.

or it would make storm calls cool down duration much shorter.

Or turn disarm into an AoE effect spell.

All examples but i also want the shout an spell to be usefull on their own aswell but ive got no idea how or if its even possible.

As off this very moment though i just want to try an create a simple mark an recall teleportation spell which would work the same as in Morrowind where i could mark my present location an then be teleported to the nearest hall of the dead an then cast it again to go back providing i've not used fast travel or left the city or town limits in case of places like falkreath which have no walls.

Again though im not even sure if that would be possible so any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Heather beauchamp
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Post » Wed Jul 24, 2013 3:53 am

When you say combine the spell and shout, do you mean that when the target is afflicted by the spell, the shout becomes stronger?

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Gracie Dugdale
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Post » Wed Jul 24, 2013 3:03 am

If you’re just looking to knock a dragon out of the sky it shouldn’t be too difficult to do. The dragon in Labyrinthian has an ability called: abNoFlightMG07Dragon
If you can convert that to a spell that can be fired then he should fall. There is also a second ability called: abNoFlight. Both of these abilities are listed under spells. Both spells use the same magic effect called: abDragonFlightless.
This might be worth looking into to stop a dragon from flying.

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Post » Wed Jul 24, 2013 3:57 am

It will or i hope i could cast the spell on myself an the shout would become stronger i guess you could say i want to make dragon aspect into a castable spell which then makes whatever shout you use stronger i already know that i may need to tweak or even change the shouts so when combined with the spell they change.

So Aura whisper just shows everything as red, be it undead or alive but with the spell active id want it to show each npc as a different colour just like reveal auras for vampires does where it shows enemies in red, dead in orange an allies in blue.

Yeah that might be worth looking into as i also know we already have dragonrend but i have characters that dont want to do the mq just for one shout so im thinking maybe change 3 word walls to make the new shout since with all 3 dlcs theirs about 3 different versions off drain vitality which we dont need, But i also dont want it to be a copy off dragonrend either which is why id want them to crash just like they do now when you weaken them an crash land.

I hope ive made things clearer but i also know i might not off.

Anyway im gonna get back to the ck an testing new spells except i cant figure out where Feather an Chameleon would be or how id go about making them.

An Thanks

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Post » Wed Jul 24, 2013 12:42 pm

You could add a second magic effect to the shout/spell which has a condition, that when true applies the second effect. Bear in mind that both magic effects require the same Casting Type and Delivery.

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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Tue Jul 23, 2013 11:34 pm

Ok so if i understand what your saying, Your talking about if i wanted to create a spell to increase the damage of a shout then it would also have to be a shout.

Or did i just completely get that wrong.

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Anthony Santillan
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