Ok maybe im biting off way more then i can chew here since im a complete amateur with the CK even after watching the tutorial vids i still get lost.
That said what i want to do is create a combination of a normal spell but when combined with the shout will make the shout a stronger version of it self.
For example unrelenting force would be strong enough to knock a dragon back or if the dragon was flying would cause it to crash.
or it would make storm calls cool down duration much shorter.
Or turn disarm into an AoE effect spell.
All examples but i also want the shout an spell to be usefull on their own aswell but ive got no idea how or if its even possible.
As off this very moment though i just want to try an create a simple mark an recall teleportation spell which would work the same as in Morrowind where i could mark my present location an then be teleported to the nearest hall of the dead an then cast it again to go back providing i've not used fast travel or left the city or town limits in case of places like falkreath which have no walls.
Again though im not even sure if that would be possible so any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.