I am guessing I am here for asking a stupid question. Or that technical support isn't knowledgeable enough to correctly answer A simple inquiry I sent them. So they pass me off to these forums. It all started when I chose the Smithing perk "Steel Smithing". Seemed logical enough to me and others from the forums. That if I can create iron armor pieces from the beginning and now having "Steel Smithing" perk. I could create steel armor pieces. Well I can't. After asking others who were as confused as I was. I sent for technical support as it seemed a technical issue. The first answer was of no use. Sending me a link to a recipe wiki page that I had already had. The second reply was confusing and contradictory. I was told I needed the 'advanced armor perk' found on the light armor perk branch. Well there is no such perk in the 'light armor perk tree'. However there is an 'advanced armor' in the smithing tree. Needed to make plate and scale armor. HUH???? Am I being told an iron head piece is not plate mail? Or an iron chest piece is not plate or scale mail? The answer technical support gave me suggests that plate and scale mail are made only from steel. So I asked a third time if they could be a little clearer and less confusing. I am told that this is a game play issue and to ask on the boards. (way to pass the buck)
So I am asking here. Contrary to what the game and the tech's are telling me. What skills do I need to make a steel set of armor? Thank You.