Creating player home...need help w wandering Mammoths!

Post » Tue Sep 23, 2014 4:18 pm

This is my first post (hello!), and have just begun dabbling with creating a player home mod.

I found a great spot for a home, but I have an issue with a nearby mammoth/giant camp. They keep wandering onto my property and getting hung up on the house! I loaded the game without my mod and just sat to watch for a bit, then checked out the NPCs in the Creation Kit.

There is a giant + 2 mammoths that "roam". At least I don't see any clear path laid out for them in the editor. All 3 of them are tied together, I assume so that they just follow each other around. But for whatever reason, they always seem to want to go right through the area where I want to place my home.

Is there any way to fix this? Can I alter their path so they go a different direction?

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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Wed Sep 24, 2014 1:23 am

make a collision box (NOT an activator box!!) that covers that house's base (and stick it into ground a bit), and in the collision box ref's primitive tab, select "l_navcut" from the dropdown.
this will cut a hole into navmesh where your house is, so no mammoth may thread there no more. :-)
edit: you can of course also edit the navmesh itself, but since you said you just "began dabbling" and exterior navmesh definitely is stg where one should know what one's doing to not screw stuff up, i think navcut is the better option
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Melissa De Thomasis
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