Creating a spell with an options menu

Post » Sat Feb 01, 2014 12:32 am

What I'm trying to create is a spell that upon hitting a target opens up a message box with three different options for the player to select.

I've searched the papyrus wiki and found these pages:

It seems that those are the functions I need to use to make said spell but I can't make head or tail out of the descriptions on those pages.

What I think I've understood so far is that I have to make a script with

ScriptName Message extends Form

and customize it to my needs.

Then I need to include above script into the magic effect script and call it like this:

Message Property OptionsMESG Auto ; The Message form that configures the menu buttonsaiButton = OptionsMESG.Show() ; Shows your menu.

"aiButton" will be the index of the option the player selected.

I guess the message script has to contain this:

int Function Show(float afArg1 = 0.0, float afArg2 = 0.0, float afArg3 = 0.0)

However I'm completely lost how to add strings to the message script/show function; is that even possible?

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Kit Marsden
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