A thought that just occurred to me-since the Creation Engine is going to be using Havok Behaviors for animations, what would that mean for anyone who wants to create a custom creature or a new animation? Would they need to have a Havok Behavior SDK or will some component of this exist inside the Creation Kit? I doubt they'd be able to answer such a question at this time but I'm just curious. Worst case scenario would be that it'll be impossible to add new creatures or animations without the SDK, second worst is that we can but they won't look nearly as good without use of the SDK. Best case scenario is that some component of it will be included in the Creation Kit.
There's also of course the question of whether or not it will be easy to create custom models at all-here's hoping they release import/export scripts for popular 3D modeling applications (ideally including Freeware such as Blender) for whatever format they're using-or that such scripts already exist.
You're logic fails xD
Because the last engine wasn't called "Construction"
Seriously, it could still just be coincidence. They decided to call their engine "Creation" because I guess the name wasn't already taken and they use it to "Create" things-I suppose there are other things they could've called the modding tools-"Creation Set" doesn't exactly sound as cool, "Creation Tools" sounds like it would be a suite of software rather than a single program and the singular variation would make it sound like it only has one feature, I could probably think of a few other alternatives but "Creation Kit" has a nice ring to it and it describes what it's going to be very well.
They were probably aware that the name had already been used as part of "G.E.C.K."-and
maybe they just lifted the name from there. However they decided to use the name-I personally like it either way.