yesterday the creation kit worked well, but as i tried to start it from steam today, then a little box appears: "Creation Kit is starting..." but it does not start.
So i restarted my computer and tried again. Still not starting.
I clicked at the button "Spieldateien auf Fehler durchsuchen" (german) in english it must be something like "Search game data for Errors", it found some errors and fixed them. I try to start again: still not starting.
So i navigated to the skyrim folder where the Creation Kit executable is and started the exe "CreationKit.exe". Now a error window appears, saying: "Die Anwendung konnte nicht gestartet werden (0xc0000142)" -> english -> "Application could not be started (0xc0000142)"
So i also repaired the game data for skyrim and tried again. Still not working.
I can launch and play skyrim, but i can't start Creation Kit !? Why ?
Any help appreciated!
PS: The only possible solution that i know is to reinstall skyrim completly, but i try to avoid this since i have many mods installed which i don't want to search one by one again to install them again.