Creation Kit for Xbox 360/PS3?

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:31 am

Now I know the usual answer is "Microsoft/Sony wouldn't allow it", but how can that be true? This game is 100% Offline, and to get a mod on the console you would just be loading a custom saved-game file from off the internet, so how would Microsoft/Sony have any say in that?

For instance, I still play ESPN NFL 2K5, and I download custom rosters and franchise files from off the internet. How do people make these files? By an editor someone made and put online for people to use. With this editor, people can completely customize teams, players, contracts, schedules, etc.

So my question is, seeing as a CK for consoles would be EXACTLY the same as this user-created editor, why would Bethesda be unable to put one out for the consoles?

AND, if they're not allowed to, what would be stopping someone from modding the PC CK so that it could work with the Xbox/PS3 instead of the PC?
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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:08 pm

NFL 2K5....... Is the best football game ever made
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Neliel Kudoh
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:25 am

This would be brilliant.

The best you can do so far if modify your game save on PC by coping it over. I did this a little with fallout, and I imagine it will be possible with skyrim soon.
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Chad Holloway
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:44 am

M$ would lose to much money on DLC for them to approve. Same with $ony.

Console plays will just have to lose out unfortunately.

:flamethrower: Microsoft
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:50 am

Saldy nope. It's just aweful, they would have to certify every single mod. :sadvaultboy:
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Nick Tyler
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:10 am

M$ would lose to much money on DLC for them to approve. Same with $ony.

Console plays will just have to lose out unfortunately.

:flamethrower: Microsoft

Not true. They could simply use the Copyright Laws of the DLC to ensure that modders do not add what the DLC is adding. This way, if people want something that's in DLC, they will still have to buy it.

Plus, if Microsoft/Sony were to charge for the CK (which we all know they would want to do), they could get a [censored] TON of money from that, too.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:40 am

They're closed systems.

Not open for modding.

This is Microsofts decision even though lots of gamers would probably really enjoy it.

I don't mind myself as I'll have potentially over 1000 hours of gaming in "Skyrim" and if I ever actually complete everything and get bored I can grab a cheap PC copy and try out some MODs.

The Nord With The Sword
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:29 am

Saldy nope. It's just aweful, they would have to certify every single mod. :sadvaultboy:

How so?

If all you're doing is editing a save-game file, and putting it on the internet (NOT on XBL or PSN), what can they certify?

This is why people can still update rosters and franchise files for NFL 2k5. EA Sports has the exclusive NFL contract, so updating rosters on 2k5 would technically be illegal. But EA Sports can't stop it from happening, and they haven't even tried for the last 6 years. We all know that if they could, they would.

So seeing as those edits are going against Copyright laws, people are still allowed to make them with no possible punishment. How would this be any different?
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:01 am

Not true. They could simply use the Copyright Laws of the DLC to ensure that modders do not add what the DLC is adding. This way, if people want something that's in DLC, they will still have to buy it.

Plus, if Microsoft/Sony were to charge for the CK (which we all know they would want to do), they could get a [censored] TON of money from that, too.

No, Microsoft does not want the ability for people to get more content without paying regardless of what it is. The problem with your idea is you have the eventual problem of people making mods that are like DLC before it comes out meaning that a lot of people would already have this mod before it is taken down. the community would then outrage because they took away something they had free and then forced to pay money to get it back. Integration of the creation kit would also mean allowing people to easily move files from PC to console ushering in a whole new era of console hacking.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:34 am

Find a keyboard and a mouse and glue it to your XBox or PS3. Bingo its a PC!

Why would you not really want to mod on a console: In honesty not having a keyboard and a mouse makes modding harder. I'm not really sure if the XBox/PS3 supports them as addons but its alot harder in life without them. I'm also not really sure how companies react to having Mods being made on a Console either, since their could be a higher risk for infection when people can start coding in their own stuff and release them and all that stuff.

Info coming from a ignorant person ---> me btw.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:44 pm

People would make mods that could break their consoles, Microsoft and Sony don't want to have to deal with that.
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Brentleah Jeffs
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:20 am

Yeah I love how screwed up bethesdas priorities are... they are rushing to release a stupid creation kit that only a small portion of their customer base will even know how to use mush less take the time to use... how about instead of giving the pc players this CK (they are likely hoping the individual modders will fix most of the bugs on their own for them) they simply fulfill the request of fixing the broken quests, the magic resistances being broken, and the invincible backwards flying dragons... the rest of the bugs I would be happy to tolerate if I could just finish the companions quest line with my 100 hr old character... it really doesn't seem like too much to ask... bugs and glitches are one thing but completely broken quests that won't even activate is ridiculous and bethesda should be embarassed and ashamed... is this really what the world has become? You can't even expect a properly functioning product when you pay full price for it brand new?
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Trevor Bostwick
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:59 am

This is quite a bit more complicated than a savegame hack. The Creation Kit doesn't create savegames. And were Bethesda to attempt to do something like that, they'd be in violation of several agreements with Microsoft at the minimum.

One of the dumbest things you can do is flagrantly try to anger people you rely upon in the business world.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:03 pm

How so?

If all you're doing is editing a save-game file, and putting it on the internet (NOT on XBL or PSN), what can they certify?

This is why people can still update rosters and franchise files for NFL 2k5. EA Sports has the exclusive NFL contract, so updating rosters on 2k5 would technically be illegal. But EA Sports can't stop it from happening, and they haven't even tried for the last 6 years. We all know that if they could, they would.

So seeing as those edits are going against Copyright laws, people are still allowed to make them with no possible punishment. How would this be any different?

The only way to update the rosters for NFL 2K5 is to do something illegal with the XBox, that we can not talk about here. The same goes with editing any game on the console. Unless it's a mod direction from Bethesda it's illegal to modify Skyrim on the console.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:02 am

Yeah I love how screwed up bethesdas priorities are... they are rushing to release a stupid creation kit that only a small portion of their customer base will even know how to use mush less take the time to use... how about instead of giving the pc players this CK (they are likely hoping the individual modders will fix most of the bugs on their own for them) they simply fulfill the request of fixing the broken quests, the magic resistances being broken, and the invincible backwards flying dragons... the rest of the bugs I would be happy to tolerate if I could just finish the companions quest line with my 100 hr old character... it really doesn't seem like too much to ask... bugs and glitches are one thing but completely broken quests that won't even activate is ridiculous and bethesda should be embarassed and ashamed... is this really what the world has become? You can't even expect a properly functioning product when you pay full price for it brand new?

They're prioritizing the patches. The next patch is coming next week, the CK won't be out until January.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:15 am

Yeah I love how screwed up bethesdas priorities are... they are rushing to release a stupid creation kit that only a small portion of their customer base will even know how to use mush less take the time to use... how about instead of giving the pc players this CK (they are likely hoping the individual modders will fix most of the bugs on their own for them) they simply fulfill the request of fixing the broken quests, the magic resistances being broken, and the invincible backwards flying dragons... the rest of the bugs I would be happy to tolerate if I could just finish the companions quest line with my 100 hr old character... it really doesn't seem like too much to ask... bugs and glitches are one thing but completely broken quests that won't even activate is ridiculous and bethesda should be embarassed and ashamed... is this really what the world has become? You can't even expect a properly functioning product when you pay full price for it brand new?

Don't try an sneak that argument in here, we're talking about modding for consoles not about bugs which Bethesda is working on.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:22 am

I prefer console to PC but I see modding ability for games on a PC as a huge plus for one reason only. Player made patches.

The unoffical Oblivion Patch (right name?) fixed like 20,000 things Bethesda could not or would not patch. So if you played on a console you were always playing an inferior product. Modding for consoles should utilized for this reason at least.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:48 am

Find a keyboard and a mouse and glue it to your XBox or PS3. Bingo its a PC!

Why would you not really want to mod on a console: In honesty not having a keyboard and a mouse makes modding harder. I'm not really sure if the XBox/PS3 supports them as addons but its alot harder in life without them. I'm also not really sure how companies react to having Mods being made on a Console either, since their could be a higher risk for infection when people can start coding in their own stuff and release them and all that stuff.

Info coming from a ignorant person ---> me btw.

No no, the modding wouldn't be done on the console, it would be done on your computer. Then you would just applies those changes to a save file (preferably starting at the character-reaction scene), and upload those to the internet. Then people would just have to download that file, port it over to your console's hard drive, and there you go.

And a previous poster said something about it interfering with DLC. Doesn't the PC version have DLC as well? I haven't heard of any problems with mods interfering with DLC on the PC, so why would that be different on a console? (Serious question, because I don't know the answer).

Also, I don't want anyone in here saying "Just get a PC!". I would if I had the money, but most of us don't have that much to spend on a gaming computer. Let alone those of us currently paying for college!
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:34 pm

A console wouldn't be able to handle a creation kit!
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Sunnii Bebiieh
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:21 pm

No no, the modding wouldn't be done on the console, it would be done on your computer. Then you would just applies those changes to a save file (preferably starting at the character-reaction scene), and upload those to the internet. Then people would just have to download that file, port it over to your console's hard drive, and there you go.

And a previous poster said something about it interfering with DLC. Doesn't the PC version have DLC as well? I haven't heard of any problems with mods interfering with DLC on the PC, so why would that be different on a console? (Serious question, because I don't know the answer).

Also, I don't want anyone in here saying "Just get a PC!". I would if I had the money, but most of us don't have that much to spend on a gaming computer. Let alone those of us currently paying for college!

PC does have DLC but no company controls the flow of DLC to it except for Bethesda themselves so it is entirely up to them if they want to allow modding or not.
Mods do not work like save files, they are extensions of the game that work in a completely different way.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:55 am

No no, the modding wouldn't be done on the console, it would be done on your computer. Then you would just applies those changes to a save file (preferably starting at the character-reaction scene), and upload those to the internet. Then people would just have to download that file, port it over to your console's hard drive, and there you go.

And a previous poster said something about it interfering with DLC. Doesn't the PC version have DLC as well? I haven't heard of any problems with mods interfering with DLC on the PC, so why would that be different on a console? (Serious question, because I don't know the answer).

Also, I don't want anyone in here saying "Just get a PC!". I would if I had the money, but most of us don't have that much to spend on a gaming computer. Let alone those of us currently paying for college!

Did you NOT read my post? Modifying a game on the console is ILLEGAL, unless the game has a buit in editor like a few FPS games have. You CAN NOT modify your save game, that itself violates the EULA. If someone were to post a link to the forums it would be removed and rightfullly so.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:25 am

No no, the modding wouldn't be done on the console, it would be done on your computer. Then you would just applies those changes to a save file (preferably starting at the character-reaction scene), and upload those to the internet. Then people would just have to download that file, port it over to your console's hard drive, and there you go.

That's not how modding works.
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Latisha Fry
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:19 pm

PC does have DLC but no company controls the flow of DLC to it except for Bethesda themselves so it is entirely up to them if they want to allow modding or not.

Ah, that makes sense now.
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Brentleah Jeffs
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:02 pm

Because microsoft and sony want to be able to monitor what goes into they're systems. nvde mods, is that something MS and Sony want to be a part of? Plus it would also be difficult as they would have to section off some of the texture and visual enhancement mods because the console wouldn't be able to cope with it. So for this console generation I think it's a definite no.
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patricia kris
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:37 am

That's not how modding works.

I know that, but for consoles, that would be about the best we could hope for.
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