I'm trying my hand at making my first Skyrim Mod.
I've searched the wiki and have spent a number of hours in tutorials and forums but I haven't found a solution.
In the Mod I'm trying to use the OnStoryIncreaseSkill() event in the mod.
I have not been able to get it to trigger on the event. To test it I've made the follow script with the debug messagebox just to see if it will trigger.
Scriptname JCW_SkillUp extends Quest
{Monitor Story for Skill Increases}
Event OnStoryIncreaseSkill(string asSkill)
Debug.MessageBox(asSkill + " Skill Increased")
In the Creation Kit I've made a new quest. In the QuestData tab I've selected Skill Increase in the event pull-down.
In the Quest Stage tab I created an empty stage quest with index number at 0, and set the start up stage toggle to on.
And attached the compiled above script to the script tab.
Save the esp.
But when when I run it, no dialog box comes up when a skill is advanced. Which is telling me the that the quest isn't seeing the event.
What am I missing? I'm sure there something simple I'm ignorant of, but I can't seam to find anything on it.
Thanks All