So I was/am listening to lots of music on YouTube at the moment, Two Steps to Hell, Immediate Music and so on. As is often the case while listening to such music, my imagination runs wild. We know one of the Dragon shouts is to slow time, yes? The idea popped into my mind that it could be used for some very interesting and creative "set pieces".
Imagine if you will a battle with a Dragon, you are currently trying to climb a sheer cliff face to reach the top when down comes to dragon wanting a snack. Obviously you're in a very tough position, little to no movement room and so on. Dragon is more or less hovering a bit away from the cliff readying to turn you into a barbecue. What to do? Imagine if we had destructable enviroments (at least at certain areas anyway), so we use the 'force push' dragonshout to shatter the rocks all around us, causing them to break away and tumble outward from the cliff wall (or the dragon attacks with its claws and the same result).
Use the slow time dragonshout then so, which for whatever reason I don't think will affect dragons, now we have two nomal speed moving beings and a collection of rocks and boulders falling away from the wall in slow mo. I know this part might sound rather Anime-esque, its just an example though and I'm sure if people wished they could think of more realistic/grounded things. Anyhoo, slow mo rocks which our character can then leap across to close the gap between him/herself and the dragon, thus launching at said dragon and hopefully being able to kill or wound it.
Mind you, getting back onto the cliff wall without plummeting to your death after killing the dragon might be a problem but... sssh! ^_^
What do you all think? Enviroments being used in such a way to create "organic" or natural platforms with which to cross, rather than silly things like "oh... those platforms are moving too fast for me safely jump onto... whatever will I do???" And other uses I'm sure, my imagination has vanished once I set my mind to typing this out though so, anybody have other crazy ideas like that? :lightbulb:
*Prepares flame-resistant armour and spells just in case, also yay for my first topic* ^_^