» Tue May 17, 2011 3:25 am
And do not let anyone scare you about placeatme usage. As long as it is to place an actor it is no big deal.
Unless one wants to say the developers are as "amateur" at scripting as I am, even Bethesda (the developers) used placeatme to place an object (a bone) near EVERY Shambles when it died to cast a spell at the body for the frost explosion. They easily could have used an invisible activator and the moveto command instead but they did not. And they coded that into the game via the add on (DLC) years AFTER placeatme was popularly known to be a "fearful" command to use. So I do not believe placeatme is as bad as everyone makes it out to be when used correctly.
That is just my opinion, better programmers than I may disagree.