[WIP] B_C's Creature mod

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:48 pm

This thing is stuff nightmares are made of. Don't want to bump into one of those in a dark place at all. Good job there :goodjob:

I'd like to see more such stuff (new) creatures, than recolors of existing Vanilla creatures (like the ice atronach), unless you recolor/retexture the vanilla creatures to something totally unrecognizable. Keep up the good work B_C. :foodndrink:


New creature, Mummy:

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Jesus Duran
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:19 pm


New creature, Mummy:


This doesn't have the bandages. Can't have a mummy without bandages!!

Also, I remember StarX already has a working mummy creature created...
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Blessed DIVA
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:21 pm

Please consider this constructive criticism, as I don't mean to start a flame war:

Most of the textures on the creatures can use quite a bit of work. Mainly more detail. Your latest creation, the mummy for example, shows this quite well. It seems to use one texture of a single color to cover all of its body, with maybe some detail (the eye) and a couple filters to make it not look like one single color. Take a look at bethesda's (those guys that made too few creatures, remember.. maybe they're few because of the quality of each?) creatures, the textures have a much greater level of detail.

Just my 2 cents.

Edit: Also, look at StarX mummy creature. The level of detail is significantly higher, and makes it look several hundred times more lifelike than yours, if you don't mind me saying.
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Jaylene Brower
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:55 pm

Please consider this constructive criticism, as I don't mean to start a flame war:

Most of the textures on the creatures can use quite a bit of work. Mainly more detail. Your latest creation, the mummy for example, shows this quite well. It seems to use one texture of a single color to cover all of its body, with maybe some detail (the eye) and a couple filters to make it not look like one single color. Take a look at bethesda's (those guys that made too few creatures, remember.. maybe they're few because of the quality of each?) creatures, the textures have a much greater level of detail.

Just my 2 cents.

Edit: Also, look at StarX mummy creature. The level of detail is significantly higher, and makes it look several hundred times more lifelike than yours, if you don't mind me saying.

If you dont mean to start a flame war(which you are doing here) then why are you saying things like this?

Edit: Also, look at StarX mummy creature. The level of detail is significantly higher, and makes it look several hundred times more lifelike than yours, if you don't mind me saying

Also why do you start about comparing my mummy with starX's mummy - if the quality of his mummy is better then why bother to even post here?!?!.

those guys that made too few creatures, remember.. maybe they're few because of the quality of each

Yes they did, with 200 modelers and texturers you can create more than 10 creatures of quality
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BrEezy Baby
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:44 pm

Why do you have a WIP thread if you're going to react poorly to any criticism? Hasteric was very diplomatic in his criticism and I have to echo his comments. The ideas of the creatures are good, but the texture work is just not up to par.
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:19 am

Maybe it would be better if experienced texturers could offer some solid advice, even if it's just a referral to some resources to develop his skills. "More realistic, more detailed" isn't really useful direction if he's already doing his best. I agree that many of these textures just don't seem to quite "fit" in the game yet, but unfortunately cannot offer any more useful criticism than that because Bone Collector already knows more about texturing than I do or possibly ever will. I think it's very cool that he's trying to create more creatures through retexturing though and hope he keeps working on them.
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Sylvia Luciani
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 3:00 am

I think it's very cool that he's trying to create more creatures through retexturing though and hope he keeps working on them.

I will keep working on the creatures, edit existing as well.

"More realistic, more detailed" isn't really useful direction if he's already doing his best


I agree that many of these textures just don't seem to quite "fit" in the game yet

Many?, the only one that i can think of is the mummy.

Why do you have a WIP thread if you're going to react poorly to any criticism? Hasteric was very diplomatic in his criticism and I have to echo his comments. The ideas of the creatures are good, but the texture work is just not up to par.

This ain't criticism friend. Diplomatic? in your eyes yes because you like all of the flame comments dont you. I BTW never said that the creatures are finished as i show them(demon lord - see earlier this topic) so you cant say '' the texture work is just not up to par''. Some more repect for someone who is trying to make the game better also for you is in order .
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:10 pm

Look, I can understand it's annoying if someone criticizes your work. You consider my post "flame bait" just because it isn't purely positive? Oh well, I won't continue or it will probably become a flame war.

And it really isn't just the mummy, most of the textures that aren't a retouch/recolor of bethesda's textures (Lizard, Demon Lord, Ice Atronach (Which I like quite a lot, you've done a good job on it in my opinion), Lesser Demon, Dreugh Lord..) feel like they lack detail. As I personally can't texture for [self censored] (although I've never really tried), I can't offer much help as to how to improve them, but I think comparing your own "from scratch" textures with bethesda's textures yourself should already give you some clues.

Examples of the textures I feel lack detail: Mummy, the flask/healing potion items.
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Adam Porter
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:39 pm

And it really isn't just the mummy, most of the textures that aren't a retouch/recolor of bethesda's textures (Lizard, Demon Lord, Ice Atronach (Which I like quite a lot, you've done a good job on it in my opinion), Lesser Demon, Dreugh Lord..) feel like they lack detail. As I personally can't texture for [self censored] (although I've never really tried), I can't offer much help as to how to improve them, but I think comparing your own "from scratch" textures with bethesda's textures yourself should already give you some clues.

ok. thanks

Examples of the textures I feel lack detail: Mummy, the flask/healing potion items.

To the healing items i wont respond as i have updated them and they look good for me. Maybe i will improve the mummy by adding some bandages or so(or some suggestions that still need to come).
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:07 pm

To the healing items i wont respond as i have updated them and they look good for me.

Well, the reason I mentioned those is because they have the same "One big single colored texture problem" (in my opinion) as the mummy. They could use more detailing in the texture work (Look at some potion replacer mods, those look epic) in my opinion.
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Hayley Bristow
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:02 am

I'd like to say that I think this is a great mod project, with a little bit of practice to make your skills better and time, I can see this mod being a keeper :) Keep up the good work, and there is no need to take criticism very hard, your mod is still in its WIP phase so you can take it easy.

Congrats on the mod :goodjob:
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jessica Villacis
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:39 pm

I'd like to say that I think this is a great mod project, with a little bit of practice to make your skills better and time, I can see this mod being a keeper :) Keep up the good work, and there is no need to take criticism very hard, your mod is still in its WIP phase so you can take it easy.

Congrats on the mod :goodjob:



I'm currently busy with a sword that looks like this(without texture): http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/6180/swordnw.jpg
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