Firstly, new to the forum, so hey guys

So in Oblivion, we had a good variety of monsters/animals, that would attack our players, my concern when playing the game was 90% of the monsters could be tackled using the same routine of attack. This would mean for instance, that you could kill everything in the game with a sword, if you wanted. This is great, if you are the type that hates fighting from a distance, and just want to run at the enemies screaming bloody murder! However, I don't think this promotes the great gameplay that TES has to offer, as players might miss out on a lot of great experiences with other fighting styles.
Therefore my idea, would run like this:
1. Armored troll appears [example]
2. Players skilled in blade or bow [certain level depending on monster etc] can aim at critical points in the armour, thus nulling its effect.
3. Player not skilled enough in blade, uses disintegration magic first destroying the armour, then uses their blade or bow to hit the troll.
[This doesn't have to be magic, e.g high acrobatics + [lowish] blade, means the player can dance around the troll hitting the weak spots, so basically any combination of skills of your choice]
5. Troll dead!
6. Arrange limbs in amusing fashion
Now i know this was in effect in Oblivion, but it wasn't a prominent mechanic, as it was way to easy for me to kill everything in the game on medium difficulty,[first play through] by swinging the biggest bluntest axe i could find until nothing moved. Pair this with or werewolves etc, and we just might be kept on our toes when venturing into the various regions of Skyrim.