» Wed Mar 02, 2011 6:01 am
My biggest issue in OB was the scaling of creatures as you went up. More than 1 Goblin warlord or shaman in a cave, seriously? Was there a coup? And all minotaur lords once your level was high enough, did they all get promoted? I would like to see better grouping of enemies. If there is a minotaur lord, shouldn't he have some minotaur minions with him?
Blood moon did an excellent job with wolves in a pack, OB's wolves where nothing more than annoying mutts. Larger groups of better organized animals would make a better challenge at higher levels. I'm tired of fighting enemies with a 1000hp, just because you are at level 30, it just becomes sword swinging practice with no meaningful challenge.
More unique enemies would be far better as well. MW had very unique and distinct creatures not seen in other fantasy games. OB on the other-hand, seemed to be a clone of every other fantasy world out there. Trolls, Imps, Goblins, Minotaurs, blah blah blah. Give me something new and unique, don't just pick enemies out of a D&D bestiary.