I'm sorry but Imp, Troll, Ogre, Minotaur, Minotaur Lord, Spriggan, Willow-o-wisp, and Land Dreugh is just not enough.
Sure they had Mud Crabs, Slaughterfish, Bear, Cougar, Boar, and Wolves as well as humanoid Goblins and Zombies, Ghost, Wraith, Undead Skeletons, and Lich. But I wish they had more variety when it comes to actual Monsters.
I'm going to list some creatures ideas with descriptions of them let me know what you guys think. If they are creative or dull? Would you like them to add or not to add. And before you say it, Yes I know the game is well too far along to add these in and they are not taking suggestions so this is just for fun and discussion amongst us fans. But we can still have our fun can't we?
I'm going to put the bulk of info in spoiler tags so it's not so cluttered, click for description and info.
Unnamed Rock Creature
Pictures: http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/mm2_gallery/88268_620_57.jpg, http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/excerpt_4E_giant1.jpg, http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_VJUl2ho4N3o/S6lAyhb6WRI/AAAAAAAAAWk/g_32itpTHC0/s400/GalebDuhr_114766.jpg, http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_T3COvm-9K_w/S3Tlxt3hrjI/AAAAAAAAAng/rMHkvz9x_JA/s320/Galeb-Duhr_version01.jpg, http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/3627/galebduhr.jpg.
Within Skyrim's mountains and rocky cliffs would be a perfect place for these to be implemented. I can imagine walking up a mountain side trail with all sorts of rocky formations sticking out from the mountain sides. As you walk closer to one of these big boulders and get near one it starts to move and take shape while you realize it's not a boulder at all but one of these creatures. If you stand within melee range they would swing their massive rocky arms/fists and attack with melee for large amounts of damage if you are directly hit. But since they are slow moving they could throw rocks and boulders at you for a ranged attack and even animate other rocks/boulders around them to attack you for help. Having one pop up or spawn if you will behind you while the original one was in front of you and then another from the side surrounding you would be a very complex system, and rather challenging, but I think the visuals of them taking form from what you once thought was just a boulder and the different and unique style of combat they would use would really make them a great creature/monster to add.
Muskox or Yak-like Animal
Pictures: http://www.tibetanroad.com/item/yak/3.gif , http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_9py6IgNlFak/TBqGyG-Nr3I/AAAAAAAAAd4/bgAWoBo3QU4/s1600/muskox.jpg, http://theagileadvisors.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/treknature-tibetan-yak-photo-284x300.jpg, http://www.nhm.org/site/sites/default/files/exhibits/halls/northamerican/namh_muskox.jpg, http://www.2001everest.com/ev/lesson_plans/yaks2.jpg, http://svr225.stepx.com:3388/yak/file/62962.jpg, http://www.at04.com/al/uploaded_images/yak-765736.JPG, http://cache2.allpostersimages.com/p/LRG/21/2153/RQ7CD00Z/posters/davies-ethel-decorated-yak-turquoise-lake-tibet-china.jpg, http://rickmc.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/yak-snow.jpeg, http://cache2.asset-cache.net/xc/200503645-001.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=6C4008C0FD9EB5A57EFE447E5B29C76C21894DF4B69575C4E0D5EC4726DE22BAEC7C5022FB410D56.
NOTE: Below Links showcase what I'm trying to describe.
In Skyrim these proposed Muskox/Yak-esque creatures could have some http://www.freespiritart.com/images/muskox-autumn-thunder.jpg that http://s89565829.onlinehome.us/np2/Trekking%20pics/Yaks%20in%20the%20pasture%20of%20Hinu-Kush.jpg with the different herds having a different look with unique and distinct color patterns and http://www.philaprintshop.com/images/chromoyak.jpg. Maybe even make them a more http://www.unitech-3da.com/news/rhino.gif like appearance with a few horns on the head and humps on the back. (maybe wild boars could look like http://mammalz.com/UserFiles/2007/8/3/15.jpg) What a sight it would be to see a great herd of them plunging head down in a wild gallop across the steppes. The earth shaking under their heels and a vast cloud of dust marks their passage.
Then there could be the more common domesticated ones of the Nords (or some other uncreated humanoid race perhaps.) They could be useful to the Nords as a http://www.cgl.uwaterloo.ca/~zqin/tibet_image/IMG_4002.JPG or possibly a http://siliconvalleynovel.com/images/YaksSketch72dpi.jpg/draft animal and maybe http://cache2.allpostersimages.com/p/LRG/21/2174/GTLCD00Z/posters/waltham-tony-yak-drawn-plough-in-barley-field-high-on-tibetan-plateau-tibet-china.jpg to plow their fields. Often http://africasiaeuro.com/Dege/2212600119_eee3c2c5ac.jpg and http://www.dalston.org.uk/Miscellaneous/CowenTrip/Yak.jpg from their ears/fur that may or may not be braided. The occasional one suited with a bell.
Generally a Muskox look for the wild/Yak look for the domesticated.
(^ My favorite suggestion and I hope something like this does make it in the game, already thought of from Bethesda.)
Caribou-esque deer creatures
Picture: http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/mm2_gallery/88268_620_34b.jpg, http://cache.deadspin.com/sports/reindeer.jpg, http://clickart.homestead.com/files/seerey_lester_arctic_caribou2.jpg
In Skyrim they could fit in as a non aggressive animal like deer were in Oblivion but they would be a lot better looking and more of a threat if you actually did choose to attack it.
Yeti-like creature
Picture: http://michaelscomments.files.wordpress.com/2008/03/yeti.jpg, http://www.xpowerxcignarella.com/yeti.jpg, http://www.cryptomundo.com/wp-content/uploads/wowyeti.jpg
In Skyrim I don't think there is a more fitting mythical creature to introduce then a Yeti-esque creature. They could just add them to the monsters such as trolls and ogres that dwell in caves and such. Don't replace them but add them in as addition. More the merrier.
Picture: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070426053431/forgottenrealms/images/c/c1/Doppelganger_-_Sam_Wood.jpg and http://arcona.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/doppleganger.jpg?w=258&h=263
In Skyrim I could see a few rare Doppelgangers in very specific regions or maybe they could just be involved in quest(s).
Perhaps being hired or recruited by the Fighters/Mages Guild to drive out a Doppelganger from a city in it's place of residence. Starting with first gathering information on who this mysterious person is so you don't attack the wrong person and then once your detective work around town reveals who it is you can go and attack the person or rather the doppelganger.
Also maybe be hired or recruited by the Thieves/Assassins Guild to do work with the Doppelgangers or help out a group of them.
Something like this could be interesting showing the different allegiances to the different guilds and how their views are different.
Picture: http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/wallpaper/Underdark_1280_1.jpg
In Skyrim they could introduce these in as a new tribes of humanoid race much like the Goblins that are common in the Oblivion in caves and such places. Since Orc (a.k.a. Orsimer) are a playable race they don't really have a Orcish enemy besides maybe Ogres. They could introduce these as a mutation or hybrid between Goblins and Ogre. Hobgoblins being taller and more burley then the goblins but not as menacing as a Ogre would have a tribal leader which could be a Cyclops or Ogre.
Woolly Mammoth-like creatures
Picture: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a3/Woolly_mammoth_%28Mammuthus_primigenius%29_-_Mauricio_Ant%C3%B3n.jpg, http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2b/Wooly_Mammoth-RBC.jpg/800px-Wooly_Mammoth-RBC.jpg, http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/mm2_gallery/88268_620_67.jpg
In Skyrim they could fit in but might be too big. Would be interesting though.
I would love to go on a quest to destroy a witches coven or come across a one witch dwelling in a cave at random. They can be really http://necropolislabs.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/witch1.jpg not all are the typical wort facedhttp://www.weirdsky.com/miscImages/witch.jpg witch hag look. Powerful foes they could put a curse or hex on you that drained your stats since they are generally associated with being mainly magic casters or conjurers but a http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/spotlight_witch.jpg with less creepy more mystical and powerful feel to them is possible. (Not my fav. style of witch though)
Treant/Leshy -like creature
Picture: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_a-W_wdgwccU/Snc09OHqljI/AAAAAAAABL0/qpFIK8RKlWE/s400/Lord-of-The-Rings-Tree_l.jpg, http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090519183842/forgottenrealms/images/thumb/6/65/Treant_-_Lars_Grant-West.jpg/250px-Treant_-_Lars_Grant-West.jpg, http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y93/jon_m/treeb.jpg, http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/ci_treant.jpg, http://movie-poster.ws/movies/wallpaper/scifi/rings/ents.jpg.
In Skyrim they could be introduced in much the same way as the rock creature I suggested above. Hidden as trees in the forest regions and when you wander near they transform or reveal themselves as a Treant and attack. Ambush type combat is always fun and surprising. This would probably make more sense to be introduced in a region with more trees though like Valenwood. They could make them a lesser version (a little larger than ogres) than the ones they already have.
What about some of our favorites from Morrowind?
For sure bring back the http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Beasts (half man/octopus sea monsters.) They are different from Oblivion's Land Dreugh who are half crab but you could bring them back as well but make them more artic suited like a king crab with spikey legs and stuff.
Other MW Bloodmoon creatures that would be cool do see return;
and the Snow Goblin http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Bloodmoon:Creatures
Giants (Different Variations of them too especially Frost Giants like http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Bloodmoon:Creatures from MW).
I didn't mention Lycanthrope! (Werewolf/Werebear) because I'm fairly certain they'll be included and that makes me so very happy!
Thoughts, Opinions, other Suggestions/Ideas?