After a period of no modding at all, I'm continuing with updating Creatures (slowly

Westly and Starwarsguy are both attempting their own texture version of the Sload for me - thanks guys.
I'm including DemonXens Ent model (based on the Ice Troll). I've made 3 versions (BC, AI and WG) that use the textures of the trees for those regions, and with some minor extra detail added. These will be known as TreeKin and will be a rare encounter and are generally peaceful, but they can't stand the sight of a drawn weapon.... (there will be a different mesh version to use if you use Vality's Bitter Coast mod, it just ensures the creature uses the same leaf textures)
All the creature levelled lists will have at level 1 a new list for "rare" creatures for that region. Everything in this list will be unlevelled (i.e. appear at level 1) and only have a small % chance. It will include all the standard creatures and the rarer ones that are being added in this update.
This will lower the chance of a creature spawning at a spawn point, but there is a very minor chance that it might spawn something a lot more powerful then your character can deal with.
This will help make games more unpredictable for new characters and could require some creative thinking to deal with.