Well there's going to be some returning critters like the Super Mutants in their various forms, looking forward to tangling with the Behemoths again. The Yao-guai is back. It seems the molerats have had a bit of an overhaul but they are back too. Ghouls are in but I'm not sure if they are going to be having as many variants as they've had in the past. Radscorpions, Deathclaws are back but I'm not sure of Bloat Flies, Night Stalkers or other various insects like the giant ants.
Some newer critters that I've seen are the big Misquitos, the Androids but I haven't seen a lot of other new stuff.
Concept art shows: 2 headed deer/elk of some kind. Points to whoever names it properly. Also per the Concept art/Special videos it looks like the Queen Molerat may have made it in. Also looks to be some kind of giant mirelurk queen from game footage, the giant mosquito, radscorps, and it looked like bloat flies made it back into the concept art.
I am a bit surprised that we have not had any indicator of giant ants of any kind. really enjoyed the unscripted ant war in fallout 3 even if the zone was buggy as hell.
Edit: Come to think of it even if ants didn't make it the list is a vast improvement from F3. The game world is only so big and you would have to squeek in raiders and super mutants somewhere.
I hope they reintroduce some of the creepier monsters from Fallout 1, like the floaters, and two-headed centaurs.
Cazadores I could do without, because ouch.
Ooohh floaters would be nice. I like the way you think.
They are quite unlikely to return. They were created by the Think Tank and are likely limited to Mojave and nearby areas. For them to appear in Commonwealth would not make sense lorewise.
I'm wondering if we'll get creature variants, though, like difference textures and patterns and sizes. I had to mod that into the game in Skyrim so not every single critter looked precisely the same, and it was annoying to mod.